fifty six - interrogation

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Our mugshots were taken, our finger prints were taken and were were thoroughly searched. I had never felt so violated. It was all a bunch of bullshit if you ask me. I've been arrested before, but never had to go through this whole ordeal. It's not a happy environment. They treat you like nothing, like dirt on the bottom of their shoes. I hated it.

"Do was seriously have to take a fucking sobriety test?" I yelled at the smug officer in front of me. He didn't say anything, just pointed to the line.

Huffing, I did what I was told. I was roughly pulled inside a room. I glared at them while they smirked. He shoved a cup against my chest, pushing me forward. I unzipped the zipper in my pants and unwillingly peed in the cup. It's not like I had a choice, they literally stood and watched me.

After I finished I zipped my pants back up with a sigh. He took it off me, handing it to another officer. "Let's get you to your cell, Dolan." he spat my last name out like it was pure disgust.

"Not so fast, I get a phone call." I retorted, smirking at him.

He mumbled something about me being a smart ass. "You get two minutes. Make it count."

I inwardly rolled my eyes at him. I didn't know whether or not Jasmine had Ryan's phone on her or not. I dialled the number, hoping for the best. After a couple of rings, it answered.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice spoke through the speaker.

Oh my God, my Jasmine!

"Jasmine?" my voice cracked as I lowered my voice.

"Ethan?" She gasped, my heart shattering.

"It's me, baby." I sniffed.

"One minute!" The guard yelled at me.

"I don't have long Jasmine. I just want to tell you that I love you, so much." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "I don't know what to do Jas, I think this is it. I'm not getting out." I told her, honesty. I'm Ethan Dolan, they'll never let me go.

"Don't say that Ethan," she sniffed down the phone. "Ethan I'm getting you out—" was the last thing she said before the line went dead.

"Let's get you to your cell." the guard yanked me up out of my seat.

I'm in deep shit.


My eyes scan over every inch of this small, dull, depressing room. I've always seen rooms exactly like this, whenever Sam and I would watch those cop shows on tv, but I never thought I would be in one. I was beyond nervous, my heart was beating rapidly.

What am I supposed to say when the cop gets here? Isn't it illegal to lie to a cop?

I feel as though the sound of my heart pounding against my chest could beard from the outside of the room. My leg bounced up and down as I waited anxiously for the police officer to come. Tears swelled up in my eyes as I tried to keep them in.

The door opened loudly, causing me to jump slightly. My heart rate quickened. A tall, young looking officer walked in the room, shutting the loud door behind us. I noticed a gun sitting in his belt as he sat down, placing a folder on the table.

He placed a black device on the table as he sat up in his chair. I knew it was a recorder, I've seen it in the movies. He looked up at me, sending me a small smile. "Hello Jasmine, I am Officer Allen." he introduced himself.

I looked at him emotionless. He flipped through the folder, scanning through multiple files on me. I wondered what they said about me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. Out of all the cops I've met, he's the first one to ask how I was doing.

"I-I'm okay." I managed to get out. I'm
completely not okay.

"Well let's get this thing started."


"Are you sure you weren't kidnapped by Ethan Dolan? You know there's no need to lie about it, you're safe with us." The male police officer asked me.

I swallowed. "I wasn't kidnapped by Ethan Dolan. We went to high school together, we're friends." I told him. Lies. All lies.

"Explain why you have been missing for the past eight months then?" he asked me.

"E-Ethan helped me escape another kidnapper." I told him. "I've been staying with him since because I didn't feel safe."

I've been in interrogation for the past three hours. Once we got to the station I was quickly ushered to a room where they asked me many questions, all to which I lied. My mom was called straight away, and was now sitting right by my side. There was a whole ordeal about them finding me, she wouldn't stop crying. I missed her though, a lot.

"This is the last time I'm going to ask. Did you or did you not get kidnapped from  Ethan Dolan, leader of the Dolan gang?" He asked me again.

I sat their watching him closely. There's no way I'm going to say anything. I'm not giving in to anything this cop is trying to lower me in. I just sat there silently. I don't have to answer any of his questions right? I hope Ethan isn't.

His eyes are studying mine closely. The detective has an intimidating look as he watches me. His face softens when he eventually leans closer, placing his crossed hands on the rusted table.

"I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. He's gone. You're safe. He will never hurt you again. He's going to get what he deserves." He whispers soothingly. What does he deserve?

"The death penalty?" I ask emotionally.

"Most likely." He says, confirming my deepest nightmare.

This can't be happening. I swallow down hard. I look away from the sheriff's eyes, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. It's taking a lot in me right now. I feel like breaking down completely.

He can't get the death penalty. That can't happen.

"He saved me from the kidnapper, then I stayed at his house with him, b-because I was too scared to leave in case the other guy came back." I breathe. I sit up from the chair, straightening my posture. I place a strand of my hair behind my ear nervously.

The air in the room grows silent as he watches me. He nods, focusing back down at his stupid papers. "That'll be all for now. Here's my card if you remember anything." He says, placing a card in front of me. He gets up from the table, gathering his papers.

He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Are you sure you're lying to protect him, Miss Woods?"

"I'm sure." Is my reply.

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