thirty two - i dont have a choice

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I fucking love my kidnapper. I'm in love with him. And I admitted it to his brother!

I'm such a mess. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for Ethan, but I fell for him anyway. Snapping out of my thoughts, I got up from the couch and headed for the stairs. Today has been such a long day all I want to do is just sleep.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard grunting and smashing sounds coming from down the hallway, towards the basement. Is Ethan having another one of his episodes again?

I nervously headed down the hall to where the noises where coming from. The basement door was open so I quietly creeped down the steps towards the second door.

I walked up the the door that was slightly ajar and held my ear up to it. I heard Ethan mumbling words along with a few loud grunts and screams. What the fuck is he doing in there?

I grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open just to check if he was alright. The door opened, revealing a very angry looking Ethan beating a guy senseless. He was punching his face murderously, yelling curse words at him and kicking the guy in the stomach.

My face dropped. I saw to other guys laying on the floor, unconscious or even dead. I gasped when I saw Ethan pull out a gun. My eyes landed on Jason and Josh who were looking directly at me. I looked over at Ethan who's gun had dropped to the floor.

The room fell silent, only grunts coming from the guy who Ethan was beating up. I looked down at him and my heart sank.

"S-Sam?" I said, my legs becoming weak.

"J...Jasmine?" His familiar voice croaked and tears spilled down my cheeks.

Ethan rushed over to me and stood cautiously close to me. He placed both of his bloody hands on either side of my face and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "Jasmine I—"

I pushed him off me and ran over to Sam. "Sam," I cried out, crumbling down to the ground. "W-What— Oh God, ware you doing here?" I sniffed. My stomach was in knots at this point.

"Looking for you." He said and I could feel Ethan's muscular arms wrapping around me from behind. He lifted me off the ground and pulled my away from Sam.

"Ethan stop!" I yelled, wiggling out of his grip.

"Jasmine you can't be here." he said, moving me towards the door.

"Ethan! Put me down!" I cried.

He sighed and put me down on my feet. "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" I said as more tears streamed down my face. The thought of it made me want to throw up.

"Jas—" he began but I cut him off.

"Don't Jas me Ethan! You're gonna kill him just like you killed those guys!" I sobbed, pointing to the guys on the floor.

"Jacob and Alex aren't dead." he said and I choked.

"J-Jacob and Alex?!" I sobbed, while hitting his chest.

"Jas stop." He grabbed my two wrists. "I don't have a choice." he said.

I scoffed. "Bullshit!" I yelled, hysterically.

"Don't fucking curse at me." he yelled at me.

"You just cursed!" I spat back.

"Jasmine, baby. I don't have a choice—"

"If you kill them, I will never speak to you ever again. You may as well kill me too." I said and his face dropped.

His face went completely pale. "W-What?" He stuttered.

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