forty nine - let it all out

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We successfully made it home safely, thank God. I was greeted by Cameron and Jane at the door, who hugged me as if I had been gone for years. Cameron even started crying!

"Oh my gosh, Jasmine," she said, engulfing me in a suffocatingly tight hug. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Cam, it's only been like what? Two days." I said and she scoffed.

"Shut up! I missed my best friend." she said to me.

I hugged Jane and we all made our way inside. Ethan ordered the rest of the boys to get started on a new and improved security system, so no other incidents like this could happen. I made my way up to the bedroom, keeping my head low. Josh's hoodie was the only thing I had on right now, I felt disgusting.

I walked into Ethan's bathroom, slipping off Josh's hoodie. I looked in the large bathroom mirror, feeling horrible in my own skin. My fingers traced along the marks Brandon had left on skin, a quiet sob leaving my lips.

Ethan walked in to the bathroom, his eyes landing on me. His gaze fell from my face to my neck, roaming my body. A long sigh escaped his lips as his jaw clenched.
Without saying anything, he walked over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

I hugged him back, crying into his chest."Let it all out," he said, running his fingers through my hair. "He's gone baby, don't worry." Ethan cooed in my ear, soothingly. I nodded my head, listening to the words he was saying. Ethan killed Brandon, I don't need to worry about him anymore.

"Now let me see that beautiful smile of yours." he said, squeezing my cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at his goofiness. "There it is." he said, pecking my forehead.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into his life, Jasmine." Ethan said to me.

I shook my head. "I'd rather have this life, than one without you." I said.

"I would never hurt you, Jasmine" he said, referring to the way Brandon has treated me. Even thinking about it made me want to cry.

"I know." I said, my voice was shaky and weak.


I watch her sleep peacefully in my arms, just taking in her beauty and her bruises. Luckily there all healing up pretty well, I just wish the bump on her head would go away soon. She's so beautiful, so innocent. I gently rub my thumb across her pink plump lips. I brush her hair back out of her face, just wanting to kiss her face so badly. Leaning down I capture her lips in a soul baring kiss. It's amazing... even though she's still asleep.

I glanced at her to see if I had awaken her, and thank goodness I didn't. I continue to kiss her, slipping my tongue inside, exploring her sexy little mouth. She shot her eyes open, shocked written all over her face. She made an "mmm" sound, hitting my chest. Probably telling me to get my tongue out her mouth. I chuckled, pulling away from her.

"Come on baby, let's go take a shower." I pulled her to her feet, leading the way.

"Ethan." She calls to me, only making me halt my steps. 

"Hmm?" I turn around towards her gorgeous face.

"C-can we take a bath instead? My body hurts a little bit." A hopeful small smile played on her face.

Ethan, you really thought you could get away from us.

Kill the bitch.


"J-Jasmine get away from me." I spoke through gritted teeth, walking away from her. I don't want to do anything I would regret.

"I'll be in the bath then." She sprinted, to the bathroom locking the door. I hate lock doors! 

Relax Ethan, she's just scared. 

Hit her!

"No... Leave me alone!" I yelled punching the wall psychotically, instantly drawing blood to my already tarnished skin. Breathe Ethan. 


Na, na, na, na. 

"FUCK!!" I threw the drawer against a wall, making all my clothing go everywhere. "

"Ethan." I heard a soft voice call me. I slowly turned around, tears streaming down my face. 

Jasmine walked towards me in just a white plush towel. She hesitantly pulled me closer to her, encircling me in a wet but warm embrace. 

"I-I... I thought I told you to get away from me." I weakly asked, pushing her in arms distance from me.

"Yeah I k-know, but I heard you crying and screaming." She wiped a tear from my eye, looking at me worriedly.

"I wasn't crying!" I yell, clenching my fist at my sides. 

Just hit her, you'll feel so much better Ethan. 

"I'm not going to hit her, I'm not doing it. She's too beautiful for bruises. I don't know what I'm going to do." I closed my eyes mumbling to myself.

"O-okay then, um I'm going to get back in my bath now." She scurried off going into the bathroom. 

I heard the door lock again. Along with moving around in the Jacuzzi bathtub. Probably her turning on the bubbles, getting her body ready, for such an amazing massaging. 

After controlling myself enough to be "normal". I took the spare bathroom key from under the mattress and unlocked the door. I was met with a relaxing Jasmine surrounded by a shit load of bubbles. She looked like a fucking model.

I quickly grabbed her hands, kissing her palms gently. She must have seen my knuckles, because she gasped taking my hands and wiping them with the wet towel. She carefully cleaned my cut knuckles.

I watched her in adoration, as her small fingers brush over my ragged skin. It was like she was trying to smooth out all my scars, with her hands. I have to admit, we have taken many baths together, since she's been here. But this is by far, the best one we had together. As she massaged my hands I moved behind her, stopping her from caressing my hands for a second.

I pulled her back against my chest, hoping she continue to rub my hands. Just my luck... she did and she did a wonderful job at it.

"What are you thinking about?" Jasmine looks over her shoulder, still massaging my hands.

"I don't know— about us." I shrug licking my lips, staring down at her. 

"Oh, what about us?" She asks, turning back around to focus on my hands. I can't quite concentrate on what she asked me, because she's tracing her fingers over my mother's name tattoo. Her fingers feel so good against my skin. As if her touch is my own personal drug keeping me sane. 

"Everything." I breathe against her neck. I chuckle, realising I made the small hairs on the back of her neck stand up. I move her hair away from her neck, planting a small kiss there.

"You have so many tattoos." Her voice comes out high pitched, due to her being kissed by me. 

"Thank you... I think. Do you like them?" I asked, not really caring if she liked them or not. They're already on my skin anyway.

"Yeah I like them, they're all unique." She complimented tracing my eight ball tattoo. 

Her touch is driving me insane... and my third leg!

"Can you move up just a bit?" I asked with a pained expression on my face. She nodded scooting forward, looping my left leg around her body to see my leg tats. "Fuck." I moaned getting her attention instantly. 

"Are you okay?" She questioned, giving me a odd looking face. All while she outlines the tattoos on my left calf.

"Oh yeah, you rubbing me and tracing on my skin is turning me the hell on." I shrug honestly, explaining to her. 

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry." She stopped and covered her face.

"That's alright, I know you like it too." I chuckled rubbing her waist. 

"Shut up, cocky bastard." She laughed.

Boring filler chapter

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