twenty three - surprise

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If I thought the guys New York house was big, boy was I wrong. This had to be at least twice the size of their house in New York. Ethan pulled up along with Grayson behind us. He put in a code and the steel gates slowly opened, revealing a long driveway. He drove up the road and I admired the view from the window. The property was surrounded by trees and there was a view of a large lake.


He pulled up into a garage that's definitely bigger than my house and parked the car. How do they have this much money? I got out of the car and saw all the different cars parked already. Ethan loves his cars.

I heard doors slamming and I turned around to see the rest of the boys getting out of the cars. "Oh my god. You're alive Jazzy!" I heard Ryan say behind me. I chuckled and turned around. Ryan engulfed me in one of his warm, tight hugs. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Yes I'm alive, now put me down." I laughed as he spun me around.

"Fine." he laughed and put me down.

"How was the ride?" I asked him.

"The car ride was so boring. Grayson was being annoying and moody and Josh was asleep the whole time!" He told me, as we walked inside.

"That sounds terrible," I laughed. "Well I'm sure it wasn't as awkward as my car ride up here." I whispered.

He bursted into fits of laugher, remembering that I was with Jason and Ethan. "Fuck. I forgot about that. How was it?" He asked me.

"Literally the worst. The most awkward car ride I've ever been in. But it wasn't as bad as it was when we got back in the car, after we got food at that diner place. Maybe Ethan and Jason made up." I shrugged my shoulders.

"They better have. I can't take it anymore."


"Pass the salt please, Jazzy." Ryan whispered to me which made me giggle. I grabbed the salt and handed it to him playfully nudging him. "Thank you." he smiled cheekily. We were at a huge dining table in the dining room. All the members of the gang were here, including Cameron and Jane. I have to admit, seeing them was a little awkward considering Cameron was the one who told Ethan that I ran away. But, I know why she did it. Ethan would've eventually found out and literally would've lost his mind.

Grayson and Ethan, of course, called a meeting during dinner. Like who does that? Why can't we just eat in peace. Ethan suggested that they leave it until I wasn't in the room. I think he's still upset with himself after he brought me to the meeting the other day.

Grayson wasn't having that. He said that I'm part of it now and he's not going to make any exceptions. The rest of the guys, Cameron and Jane were listening to what Ethan and Grayson were saying but Ryan just talked to me. He received a scold every now and again from Grayson and Ethan but he ignored it and continued entertaining me.

I know that Ryan should be listening to what they were saying but he has become kinda my only friend here. Things with me and Jason are still slightly awkward. Plus, I don't think Ethan would be very happy if I talked to him.

"I want to show you something." Ryan whispered in my ear making me feel somewhat excited.

"Yeah? What is it?" I smiled at him.

"It's a surprise." He grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, where is it then?" I asked, checking under the table to see if he had hidden it under there.

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