forty one - who is she?

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"Oh my God." my hand clasped over my mouth. My eyes landed on the guy with the dark hair. He hand a gun in his hand. My eyes traveled to Ethan, who was looking down at his stomach. Blood was seeping through his white shirt.

"Fuck, that's not good." he groaned. His head fell back as his legs gave in, collapsing onto the ground.

"Ethan!" I screamed, running over to him. My legs gave out, I sank onto my knees. I grabbed Ethan's hand in mine. His eyes looked over at me.

"Jasmine." he breathed lowly.

"Ethan, Ethan stay with me. Ethan, Oh my God. You're going to be okay. Stay with me. Stay with me, you hear me!" Tears streamed down my face. "We have to get him to a hospital." I looked at Grayson.

"We can't. They'll know it's him." Grayson his fingers through his hair and I sighed. I turned around to Ethan. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily, groaning.

"We have to do something!" I yelled frustratingly, tears streaming down my face. I looked over to see that the Dallas Gang had fled. Typical. I'm gonna kill them.

"Grayson, call an ambulance, please." I begged, as I sobbed into my hands. Ethan's looked paler than usual. I knew we didn't have long.

"Okay." He said after much hesitation, and I could even see tears in his eyes. He walked away, pulling out his phone.

Ryan wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest. "Jasmine, please don't cry." Ethan's weak voice spoke.

I looked over at him. His breathing was slower. We didn't break eye contact for a while. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess." he apologised.

I scoffed. "Ethan, don't."

His eyes closed over and I cried harder.

"I love you." I whispered, barely audible.


Ethan has been in surgery for two long, excruciating hours. Everyone was sitting in the waiting room, silently. Jane, Cameron, and Ryan were asleep. So it was just me, Grayson, Josh and Jason. My head was leaning on Jason's shoulder as we all sat saying nothing. We received a few stares and glances from the other people in the waiting room but, could you blame them? I know I'd be staring. We all looked a mess. Bruises and dried blood all over our faces. Jason and Grayson both had black eyes. We looked horrible.

"Hey Jase?" I asked Jason, who was staring at the ground.

He turned his head slightly. "Yeah Jas?" He whispered. "Who-Who was the guy who shot Ethan?" I asked, stammering.

I heard Jason sigh. "His name is Brandon Delrado," his jaw clenched. "He's from England. He's probably one of the toughest in the Dallas Gang. He's killed more people than I can count." he said lowly, so no one could hear except me.

"Do you think Ethan's gonna be okay?" My voice cracked slightly.

"Ethan? Oh, yeah. Nothing can kill that kid." he chuckled at the end.

My eyes widened, just remembering about Jason's appointment. "Jason! Your—" I began loudly and Josh and Grayson looked over at me, furrowing their eyebrows. "Your appointment." I whispered, when they looked away.

This time Jason's eyes widened. "Shit! I forgot about that." he sighed, smacking his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"It's in this hospital right?" I asked him and he nodded. "Well that's fine. It's what? Five in the morning right now, so then we can go to your appointment while Ethan is in surgery." I said and he nodded.

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