fifty three - watch and learn

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It's been exactly one month since we welcomed little Malia McCann to the Dolan household. It's her first time being alone with us, since Jason went to out to get Malia some more baby food. He's only been gone four minutes and things are already falling apart.

Ethan and Josh were now attempting to change Malia's little diaper. It really was a sight to see. Ryan and I sat back and relaxed, watching the show.

"Ew!" Josh screeched as he holds Malia up in the air. Josh and Ethan, being the extra drama queens that they are, literally went out and bought rubber gloves and medical face masks, which they were wearing now.

"Throw it out!" He yelled at Ethan, who was looking at the dirty diaper in absolute horror.

Ethan stood back, holding out a trash can. "You do it!" He yelled at him. Oh you've got to be kidding me.

"I can't I have Malia in my hands, dipshit," he said, lifting her small body up. "Ethan! Just throw it out." he yelled, placing Malia down gently.

Ethan grabbed two forks, carefully lifting up the diaper. He flung the diaper at the trash can, missing it, making it fall onto the floor.

"Abort mission!" Josh screams, running out of the kitchen.

Ethan's eyes widened. "Get back in here Josh!" He yelled.

I look over at Ryan, we both shake our heads in unison. Josh runs back in, with disinfectant spray. He kicks the diaper towards Ethan, causing him to jump out of the way, "Watch it!" He yelled.

"Give me the damn forks." Ryan said, getting out of his seats. Ethan hands him the forks, along with going to give him the gloves too. "The gloves won't be necessary, idiots." he said, pushing him away.

He carefully picks the diaper off the floor, and tosses it in the trash, glaring at the two masked idiots. "Fucking dumbasses." he says, walking out of the room.

I could hold my laughter in anymore, exploding into fits of laughter. "Oh you think this is funny?" Josh asked, placing his hands on his hips. Clutching my stomach, I nodded my head.

"Fine, why don't you changed Malia then?" Ethan said, tossing the gloves at me.

I rolled my eyes, getting off my seat. "Throw those gloves away, Dolan, they won't be necessary." I smirked, walking passed him.

I walked over to Malia, her big brown eyes staring back at me. "Those idiots didn't even change you, did they?" I smiled, poking her stomach. "Don't worry, Auntie Jasmine is here to save the day." I said, grabbing a clean diaper.

"Auntie?" Josh asked, looking over at me. He sat down opposite me and Malia, watching as I cleaned her up.

"Yes Auntie." I grinned at him. "Watch and learn boys," I said, dangling the diaper in the air.

I lifted Malia's chubby little legs up in the air, pulling the diaper over her. I made sure the diaper was set properly, before blowing raspberries on her stomach. She let out a soft giggle. "All done." I said.

"Amateurs." I smirked at the two of them. They both rolled their eyes at me, scoffing. I quickly changed Malia back into her pink onesie that Jason had put on her this morning.

"Wait, so do you have to breast feed her?" Ethan asked, smirking at me.

My eyes widened. "What? No...well I mean Jason never asked me." I said, grabbing a bottle of milk I had previously made for Malia.

"That would be hot." Ethan commented, causing Josh to snigger.

Ignoring him, I lifted her up, cradling her in my arms while I fed her the milk. She was getting sleepier by the minute, her eyes were beginning to close.

I heard the front door open and shut, presuming it was Jason. I was right. Jason walked into the kitchen, carrying bags of groceries. "Did you change her?" He asked me, setting the stuff down.

"We all did." Josh chimed in, while I handed Malia to Jason.

I rolled my eyes. "Josh and Ethan attempted to change Malia's diaper, but failed horribly. You should have seen it, I wish I recorded it. Classic!" I laughed and

Jason rolled his eyes, looking in between the both of them. "Typical." he shook his head. 

"Hey!" Ethan yelled, shoving his best friend in the chest.

"Bitch, shut up. You're the one with the medical mask on." Jason said, grabbing the string of the mask and pulling back, snapping it into Ethan's face.

"If you didn't have Malia in your arms I would beat the shit out of you." Ethan said, glaring at him.


"Meeting downstairs now!" Grayson yelled from the hallway.

I looked over at Ethan and he groaned, rolling his eyes. "Have fun," I grinned, smacking his ass as he got up.

He gasped, looking back at me. "Did you just slap my ass?" He asked me. I giggled, nodding my head. "Wow, I feel violated" he said, grabbing a black hoodie and slipping it on, since the basement is always a little colder than the rest of the house.

"Get your cute ass up Jasmine." Ethan said, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

"What? Why?" I said, propping myself up on my elbows.

A smirk took over his lips and he chuckled. "Because you're coming with me to the meeting, duh." he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Any reason in particular. I'm not exactly in your little gang." I said, as he dragged me down the hall.

"Yet." he laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. We made it to the basement door.

"You'll see," was all he said, before he hurried down the stairs. Asshole.

Sighing, I walked down the steps and inside the meeting room. Everyone's eyes landed on me as I entered the room. Ethan and Grayson smugly smiled at me while Ryan smirked over in my direction.

"Does someone want to tell me what on earth is going on?" I asked, flopping down on the couch next to Ryan and Josh.

"Don't worry, we'll get to that." Ethan simply grinned at me.

What is happening?

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