two - thursdays

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm making me instantly groan. Thursdays. I rolled over and took my phone out of its charger. I turned off the alarm and the obnoxious noise went away.

"Another day in hell." I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and shut the door.
I strolled over to the mirror and looked at the hideous reflection looking back at me.

Boy do i look cute!note my sarcasm.

I pulled my hair out of the sad excuse of a ponytail it was in and ran my fingers through my hair. I stripped out of my pjs and turned on the shower. I stepped into the shower and washed my body. The hot water felt like actual heaven. The sweet smell of coconut shampoo filled my nose as I washed my hair.

As soon as I was done I turned the hot shower off and stepped out. I took out two towels from the basket , one around my body and one in my hair. I walked out of the steamy bathroom and went over to my closet. I picked out a grey sweatshirt , black ripped skinny jeans and maroon converse.

I changed into my outfit and dried my hair. I braided my hair into two french braids and put on light makeup. My phone vibrated from my bed and I walked over and grabbed it. It was a text from Sam.

Sam: i'm outside

Me: be there in a minute

I took a look at myself in the mirror and nodded in approval. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I picked up my school bag and grabbed a gronola bar.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled before shutting the front door. I walked down the driveway over to Sam's black jeep. I opened the door and he smiled cutely at me.

I smiled back and kissed his cheek. "You look beautiful, Jas," he said and my cheeks went red. "Aw are you blushing?" he laughed and I rolled my eyes.



"Whatever just drive the car, Sam" I muttered and he smirked. He pulled out of the driveway and placed his hand on my thigh.


The drive to school lasted about ten minutes or so. Sam pulled into his usual parking space and turned the car off. We both got out and he intertwined our hands together. We walked to our lockers which were next to each other. I opened my locker and grabbed all my books.

"See you at lunch?" he said. I nodded and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't miss me too much." he said walking away.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I won't" I called out.

"You guys are too cute," Jessica said standing behind me.

I giggled. "You tell me everyday." I said and she shoved me lightly.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ashley asked walking over to us.

"How cute Sam and Jas are."

"Oh, I one hundred percent agree." Ashley agreed and I smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Lets just go to class."


"How was class babe?" Sam asked when I sat down next to him and our usual table in the cafeteria.

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