thirty six - you can't drive

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We finished our food and the annoying waitress took our plates away. "Thank you, for breakfast." I thanked Ethan.

He smiled cutely at me. "Anything for my girl." he said and heat rose to my cheeks.

I literally blush at anything he says. Ughh I hate him.

No you don't, you love him.

"Jasmine?" I heard Ethan say, snapping me out of my thoughts. My head shot up in his direction.

"Huh?" I asked him. "I asked were you ready to go?" He said, an amused look on his face.

"Oh! Yeah, sure." I laughed awkwardly.

He laughed and shook his head. He called the waiter over. "Can we have the check?" He asked her.

"You can have anything you want, babe." she smirked and I literally choked on my iced tea.

I could hold in the laughter anymore. Ethan looked at me, biting his lip to contain his smile. "I'll just take the check." he smirked at her. I heard her quietly scoff and stomp back to the kitchen. Ethan and I made eye contact and immediately bursted into fits of laughter. We calmed down and she brought over the check, sending us both dirty looks. Pathetic.

I saluted to her and she rolled her eyes. She walked away and Ethan left a 50 dollar bill on the table. "Let's bounce." he said and we both got up. Ethan grabbed my hand and we walked towards the front door.

Ethan swung the door open and my body collided with something hard. I looked up to see a guy around Ethan's age, with a sharp jawline, dark, brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was very tall. A wide smirk grew on his lips as he stared down at me.

"Sorry." I apologised to him.

"It's no problem, sweetheart." Hi eyes flickered to Ethan, behind me. A smirk made its way onto his face. Ethan grabbed my waist and pulled me past him.

"Where you going Dolan?" The guy asked. A heard a car door slam and another guy, who looked similar to the guy I crashed into, got out. He chuckled darkly.

"No fucking way. Ethan Dolan? It's been a while." he said, standing next to his brother, I'm assuming. They both crossed their arms and smirked at Ethan.

"What are you guys doing back?" Ethan's deep voice spoke, as he pulled me closer to him.

"I should be asking you the same question. I thought you were in New York?" The taller one asked. I was confused as hell. Ethan's jaw clenched hard and his eyes turned dark. A nervous feeling entered my stomach. This isn't gonna end well.

"Who's the girl?" The taller one spoke, licking his lips as he stared my up and down.

I moved closer to Ethan. "Don't." Ethan spoke through gritted teeth. His voice was low and deadly. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Their smirks only grew wider.

"She's hot." the shorter one said, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I swear to God Cameron, if you don't  shut the fuck up I'll—" Ethan stepped closer to to him, the veins in his neck practically popping out but Cameron cut him off.

"You'll what? Call Grayson or little Jason McCann to come over and beat our asses?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ethan faked a laugh. "You and I both know I could rip the two of you to shreds with my bare hands." he said and I bit the inside of my cheek. He's starting to scare me.

Cameron swung his fist at Ethan face, landing directly in Ethan's jaw. He stumbled back a few steps and his hands clenched into fists. He lunged at Cameron, pinning him to the ground. He swung at his face multiple times, blood gushing down Cameron's face.

The other one ran over and swung his first, hitting Ethan across the face. He pulled him off Cameron, this time Ethan was the one who was pinned to the ground.

He punched his face again and again while Cameron kicked him in the ribs, surely breaking a few of them. He began coughing up blood and I ran over to help him. Cameron pushed me away, shoving me to the ground. My head slapped off the hard concrete, giving me an immediate headache.

Cameron pulled out a knife from his pocket and stabbed Ethan in the side of the stomach. "Ethan!" I screamed.

My eyes shut and I could feel the tears forming in the eyes. I groaned and looked over to see Ethan kick the other guy in the stomach. He swung at his face and slammed his face down on the ground.

He swung at Cameron's stomach causing him to double over. He shoved him onto the ground. He kicked him repeatedly and I could hear the faint sounds of sirens.

"Ethan!" I croaked and he looked over at me.

He sprinted over to me and squatted down at me. "No no no." he panicked, wiping the blood off my forehead using his shirt.

"Ethan, we don't have time. The c-cops are c-coming." I said and his eyes widened. His face was black and blue from all the bruises forming in his face. He lifted me up and looked left and right. I could see cop cars coming in the distance.

"Ethan you can't drive like this." I said, pointing to his wound. Blood was seeping through his shirt

"I'm fine, Jas." he assured me.

"Give me the fucking keys Ethan, I'm driving!" I yelled at him.

He looked taken back by my sudden outburst, but hesitantly handed me the keys. We both hurried to Ethan's car and I shoved the key in the ignition. "Are you sure you can do this? You hit your head pretty hard." He asked me.

"Oh yeah... totally, I only failed my drivers test three times." I nervously chuckled.

Ethan's face went pale. "Well, step on it!" He yelled and I quickly stepped on the gas pedal. This car is a lot different to one I drove back home.

"Ethan, I don't know the way home." I murmured and I could see the cop cars speeding behind us.

"I'll direct you." he said and I pressed my foot harder on the pedal. I was now going over 120mph.

Ethan's eyes widened and a small smirk formed on his lips. "Left." he yelled and I quickly swerved left. He looked behind us. "Shit! They're following us." he said worried.

"Fuck." I muttered.


"Now is not the time, Ethan!"

"Make a right, quick!" Ethan yelled and I quickly turned the wheel, almost crashing into multiple people.

"Oh my God." I screamed. Ethan laughed at me. He thinks this is funny?

"Left," He said and I swerved left. "Faster." He said and I looked over at him.

"Faster?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, they're right behind us!" He said and I pressed harder on the pedal. The speed limit was 50mph on this street yet, I was going 145mph. We zoomed down the street and Ethan looked behind him. "I think we lost them." he said, looking over at him. I nodded and slowed down to 100mph. "Keep going straight and take the next left." he said. I nodded, ran the red light and took the left.

"Next house on the right." He said and I nodded. I pulled into the driveway and immediately sighed. "That was fun. We should do that more often." Ethan said and I hit his shoulder.

"I'm never doing that again."

I'm so bad at fight scenes lmaooooooo

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