fifty two - right now?

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6 months later

Someone burst through the bedroom door, causing me to shoot open my eyes. I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I squinted my eyes to see who had the audacity to wake me up in the middle of the night.

Jason was standing in the middle of the room, panting and vigorously running his fingers through his hair. The only thing he had on was a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers, showing off his bare torso.

"Has, are you awake?" He asked, hurrying over to my side of the bed. Ethan was still passed out, typical. Nothing would wake him up.

"Yes, what's going on?" I asked, checking the time. 4:43am. "Really Jason, it's four am!" I groaned, flopping back down.

"This is serious. The baby's coming!" Jason said and my jaw dropped.

"Wait...what?!" I yelled, throwing the covers off of my body.

"You heard me, get the boys up I'm going to the hospital." he said, running out of the room. I threw the covers off of me and quickly got off the bed. I heard Jason enter again, this time looking stressed.

I smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug. "You can do this Jase, don't worry." I said and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I-I'm just afraid I'll be the worst father ever." He pouted, pulling me tighter.

"Jason, I'll be with you every step of the way, okay?" I assure him.

"Thank you, it means a lot." He said, once we parted.

"Now go!" I said, smacking his ass. He shrieked and glared at me. I giggled pushing him out of the room. "And put on some pants, idiot." I called after him.

"Oh right!" He laughed, shaking his head.

"I'll meet you there." I said and he sprinted down the hallway.

"Love you!" He yelled, turning the corner, almost crashing into the wall by accident.

I laughed, shaking my head. This goof is about to become a father. "Love you too."

I ran back into the bedroom, turning on the lights. Now for the hard part— waking Ethan up.

I ripped the blanket off him, earning no reaction from him. "Ethan," I said, he didn't move. "Ethan," I said a little louder. Nothing. "Ethan!" I yelled. Still nothing.

God you're kidding me. I grabbed his shoulders, shaking him. He groaned, opening his eyes. "What?" He mumbled, looking at me.

"The baby is coming!" I said and he shot up.

"Right now? Like right this second?" He scrambled to his feet.

"Yes, right now," I said, chuckling at him. "Jase just left. Get dressed and we'll wake the boys up." I said and he nodded, literally sprinting into his closet.

I quickly grabbed one of Ethan's hoodies and changed into yoga pants. I slipped on a pair of vans and threw my hair up into a bun. I rushed into Ryan's room and woke him up. Then went to Josh's, Cameron's, Za's, who officially left the Dallas Gang a month ago, and finally Grayson and Janes room.

It was around 5am by the time everyone was ready to go. Everyone was obviously freaking the fuck out, scurrying around the house trying to find clothes, keys and all that.

Eventually, we all made it out the door, rushing to the cars. We all piled in, the girls and Za went with Grayson while Josh and Ryan went with Ethan and I. I couldn't get this situation through my head. Jason is having a baby girl! I actually couldn't believe it.

The car ride was filled with the boys fighting over who was going to the be the better uncle and all the gifts they were going to buy Jason's daughter. I couldn't help but laugh.

Ethan pulled into the hospital car park and the four of us hop out of Ethan's car. We met up with Grayson, Jane and Cameron and the eight of us hurried inside.

"We're here to see Jason McCann and Stephanie Roberts." Ethan said to the woman at the front desk.

She looked up over her glasses, her eyes widening at the amount of us there were behind her desk. "You can't go in yet, Ms Roberts is still in labour." she said and we all sighed. "I'll make sure to tell you when you can go in, don't worry." she assured us, noticing the disappointment on all our faces.

"Thank you" Ethan said to the woman, as the rest of us walked into the waiting room. Ethan sat down next to me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

All we can do now is wait.


Josh and I have been playing rock papers scissors for the past hour while Ethan gave me tattoos on my arm with the markers provided by hospital for the kids waiting in the waiting room. We probably look like the biggest idiots.

"Rock! I win!" Josh grinned like a child at me.

I rolled my eyes. "I've won the past ten rounds, shut the fuck up I grumbled and he gasped.

"Is someone grumpy?" He asked me.

"Very grumpy, I was awoken at 5am, what do you expect?" I replied. "Ethan what is that?" I asked him, looking down at my arm.

"A turtle, duh." he said, colouring it in with the green marker. I rolled my eyes. This is the same guy who runs one of the most dangerous gangs in America. Who would've thunk.

"It's pretty." Ryan complimented Ethan's horrible drawing.

Ethan grinned at him, "Thank you Ryan. At least someone appreciates me." he said, glancing at me.

"Kiss ass." I mumbled and Ryan laughed loudly.

"Whatever you say." he smirked at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

A nurse walked in and looked around the room. "Ethan Dolan?" She said, causing us all to look up at her.

Ethan shot out of his chair, grabbing everyone in the waiting rooms attention. He's always so dramatic.

"Jason McCann would like this you all in his room, room 34." she said. We didn't waste any time in jumping out of our seats and sprinting down the hall.

We all made it to his room, Ethan swung the door dramatically, causing Jason and Stephanie to look up at us. My eyes landed on the baby girl in Jason's arms, causing a wide smile to spread across my lips.

"She's beautiful Jason," I said, walking over to him. She had big golden brown eyes, like Jason, and pink plump lips.

"What's her name?" Ethan asked him.

"Her name is Malia. Malia McCann." he told us, not taking his eyes off of Malia.

"I love it!" Cameron gushed, staring at the girl in awe.

"So do I." Jason smiled.

"One day that will be us." Ethan whispered in my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stick up. I looked over at him, planting a quick kiss onto his lips.

"I can't wait."

Psychotic | E.D (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora