thirty one - sam rhodes

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"Do you have any weapons Sam? We can't go in unarmed." Alex questioned, looking around in my garage.

"I have a baseball bat and a lacrosse stick." I shrugged. I really didn't think this plan through.

"Oh yeah like that's gonna help. I bet Dolan's got guns, knifes and fucking bombs." Jacob scoffed.

"We don't even know if he's the one that took her." Alex sighed.

"I have a gut feeling guys. Please. I need to get her back." I said and I could feel my eyes getting glossy.

"Hey, we'll get her back." Jacob said,  patting my shoulder.

"Just grab anything we can use." I cleared my throat and they both nodded. It was starting to get dark out; the sun had just set. "Guys we need to hurry up. It's gonna get dark pretty soon." I said.

"Let's get going then." Alex said, tossing me a baseball bat. I caught it and grabbed my keys from my pocket. The three of us hopped into my car, throwing all our stuff into the backseat. I sat in the front, Alex in the passenger seat and Jacob in the back.

I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I unlocked my phone and typed Ethan's address into google maps. It said it was a thirty minute drive from here. I took a deep breath and kept driving.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine." Alex said.

"I didn't really think this through, did I?" I sighed.

"No, this is totally insane." Jacob said and Alex glared at him. "I-I mean this isn't insane." Jacob said and I chuckled.

"That doesn't help Jake." I said and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Well what you do expect me to say?" he said. I rolled my eyes and kept driving.

This is the dumbest decision I've ever made.


"That's it, there." I said, pointing to the large steel gates across the street. The street was pretty isolated, only a few people around. The street was filled with huge mansions, just like Ethan's, all looking different. I swear I thought I was going to see a Kardashian walking around.

"Holy shit." Jacob said, looking out the window.

Alex swallowed nervously and looked at me. "So what's the plan?" He asked me.

"Well, I saw a side road next to it. We could drive up there and see if there's a side door or something? Then sneak in, grab Jasmine and get the hell out." I said.

"Oh yeah. Easy." Alex scoffed.

"Well we have to try something." I said, starting the car back up. I made a U turn and kept driving until I saw a back road. I took a sharp turn to the left and drove onto the dark street. There was no street lights, so it was hard to see where I was. I just decided to park the car. I turned the key in the ignition. I'm literally about to shit my pants.

"I think there's an opening in the trees over there." I said, opening my door. The pit in my stomach grew even more because realisation just hit me. I'm about to go see Jasmine. I took a deep breath and grabbed a baseball bat from the back. Alex and Jacob stood next to me, as I shut the door. I locked the car and stuck the keys back into my pocket.

"Okay. Let's go." I said and the three of us began walking. I could see the lights of the house, through the gaps of the trees.

"Here it is." Jacob pointed to the to the opening in the fence. The hole was big enough for each of us to get in. We ran over to it and I handed Alex my bat. I quickly slipped through the fence and grabbed my bat. Alex and Jacob did the same and soon we were all on the other side.

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