seven - we're not done

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We sat silently frozen in fear. A million thoughts were running through my head. One thing was for sure. I'm getting out of here. Carefully, I silently grabbed my phone from my pocket and carefully unlocked it. I slid into the phone app and began to type in 911.

My hands we shaking I could barely even press the first 9. My vision was becoming blurry. "Jasmine what are you doing?" Sam whispered to me with wide eyes

"Yeah Jasmine, what are you doing?" A tall figure in front of me, dressed in all black asked.

My phone fell out of my hands and my heart was beating so fast I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack. My hands began to shake as I slowly lifted my head up revealing a tall frame had a ski mask over his face. He looked at me dead in the eye.

I completely froze.

He sighed shaking his head. "I'm afraid you're gonna have to come with me, Jasmine." His deep voice spoke, grabbing me by my arm and yanking me up. "You're too pretty to kill." he shrugged.

"What the—no I'm not, I'm not coming with you!" I said, wiggling out of his grip only for him to hold me tighter.

"Jasmine wait!" Sam said grabbing my leg. Sam don't be an idiot.

"No you can wait." The masked man said, swinging his gun and hitting Sam in the back of the head, causing me to let out a scream. I kicked and screamed and he held me so tight I thought I was going
to explode.

"Take my money! I-I didn't see anything! I promise." I begged and pleaded.

The man dragged me out of the building along with four men following behind him. He simply laughed at my pleading. He brought me outside and threw me onto the ground.

"Did she text anyone?" one of the men asked the one that dragged me out.

They're gonna rape me, then kill me.

"No, luckily I got to her quick enough." He said as one of the men pulled out a gun and aimed it at my head.

"Sucks we have to kill you." his deep voice spoke.

I started shaking and tears starting falling more than ever. "P-Please don't k-kill me." I squeaked.

"Woah woah woah." The man who grabbed me said standing in front of me blocking the gun. Why is he doing that?

He mouthed something to the other guy, and his eyes widened. "Didn't recognise her, sorry bro." He muttered and the other guy scoffed, smacking the gun away from me.

"Get back in the vans everyone." he ordered.

Didn't recognise her?

The man with the gun sighed and glared at me through the ski mask. "Whatever," he mumbled walking away. The rest of the guys followed him and I heard a few car doors slam shut. I sigh of relief escaped my lips until I heard a dangerously scary chuckle coming from the man in front of me.

He turned around to me just staring at me intensely. It was as if he was staring into my soul. I looked back at him, as fear washed over my face. He finally spoke and I wish I was shot dead instead of what he said to me. "Oh it's not over baby," he said and I swallowed harshly. "You're coming with us." he said pulling me up.

My face dropped.

"N-No please! P-Please!" I cried as tears streamed down my face.

"W-Why n-not?" he mocks me, laughing like this situation is the funniest thing ever. I continued to cry silently. "Stop crying beautiful. It's all gonna be over soon." He pulled me along the pathway around to the back of the building.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed with all my might. "PLEASE HELP ME!" the more I struggled the tighter his grasp on me became. He was probably leaving bruises. "SAM! PLEASE. ANYONE!" I could tell he was getting irritated. He kept yelling profanities at me along with pulling me pretty hard.

"Stop moving before I hurt your dumb ass!" he yelled dragging me along.

"NO!" I screamed which caused me to get shoved, making me fall onto the concrete ground.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, to keep your fucking mouth shut." he said trying to be calm. His breathing was heavy and his hands were clenched into tight fists. He muttered curse words, closing his eyes.

God please help me!

"Is that understood?" he asked ask me.

I nodded.

"SPEAK!" he yelled.

"Y-Yes." I quickly replied and he yanked me up off the ground.

"Good girl." he said and a black van came around the corner. It parked beside us and he swung open the back doors. He shoved me in and grabbed my wrist. He chained me to the wall and I cried out in pain.

He looked at me before pulling out a cloth from his pocket. "Please don't—" I was cut off by him placing the cloth over my mouth making me breath in the chemical.

Everything went black.


"Dude you need to relax, everything is going to be fine." Josh said, as he saw my fingers tapping vigorously against the dashboard. My jaw was clenched and I was nervous as hell. Billions of thoughts swarmed around my head.

What if she doesn't fall in love with me?

What if she hates me forever?

Why would she love you dumbass? you just kidnapped her.

I don't think that's gonna sit well with her.

"Shut up!" I said hitting my head with my hand. These fucking voices...

Usually when I'm with girls they fall to their knees when I'm around and do whatever I ask. They worship the ground I walk. But my Jasmine isn't like those other girls. She's different. She speaks her mind and is opinionated and stands up for herself. I just don't think I could deal with the thought of her hating me.

"Did you take the weapons out of this van and put them in the other one?" I asked Jason, only realising now how many there actually was. She's gonna be scared shitless when she wakes up.

"Um, no. I didn't think we had to." Jason said.

This angered me.

"She's gonna be fucking scared when she sees them Jason!" they all sat silent and I knew I was right. My breathing was heavy. Maybe I am going crazy...

Crazy for her.


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