Ben shook his head, "N-no."

"Good," Ian pushed his two fingers in to the first knuckle, and saw a wince. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... j-just sore."

"Okay," Ian pushed his fingers to the middle knuckle and paused, "Is this good?"

"Y-yeah... You... don't have to keep asking... I'll tell you if it hurts."

Ian made a sound of acknowledgement, "Okay, just tell me if I need to move or if I'm doing something you don't like."


Ian started moving his fingers and snickered as Ben gasped. He moved them in all the ways and places he knew would make Ben feel good and smiled at the look of pleasure on his moaning lover's face.

"See? This is how it's supposed to feel. Good, isn't it?"

Ben nodded, "Th-this... feels," he gasped, "amaaaaaazing..."

Ian leaned down to kiss Ben's open mouth and spoke as he pulled away, "Now, tell me if this feels good or hurts."

"H-Huh? It... feels goooood..."

Ian chucked, "Not this. I'm going to do something that will either feel really good or really hurt, okay?"


"Okay, here I go," Ian moved his fingers to press against a certain spot and slightly jumped at a sudden scream.

Ian slowed his pace as the rest of him froze and let a shocked silence fill the air. A moment more passed before Ben whined, "D-do it agaaaaain..."


"Do iiit agaaaiiin."


"That felt reeaaaly good. D-do it again!"

Ian blinked the shock away and let a smirk spread across his face at how eager the other sounded. He hit the spot again and watched Ben's head go back as he screamed.

"S-so good!" Ben panted from the effort to speak.

Ian's smirk grew and he hit the spot again... and again. He hit it over and over as Ben screamed and shook until he was gasping, "Ian! I-I'm s-so cloooose!"

The older slowed, causing a whimper and a whine, "W-What are you doing?!"

Ian used movements he knew would tease the smaller and make his pleasure build up more and stronger. He made Ben whimper with each movement, so close but so, so far from release.

"I-Ian..?!" Ben sounded desperate and close to crying.

"Just a little more." The sing song voice's words would of gotten no bigger of a reaction from asking for an hour more.

"B-But I'm so close!" Tears streaked down Ben's cheeks, "It hurts, Ian! Just let me come!"

A gentle kiss was pressed to the smaller's lips, making him whimper, "Then I guess I'll make you come."

He slammed his fingers against the spot once more and watched with a smirk as Ben threw his head back and arched his back high. The smaller screamed with each surge of extreme pleasure, made stronger by Ian continuing to stimulate his prostate.

Ben panted as his orgasm faded out and whimpered as Ian slowly pulled his fingers out. He moaned from oversensitivity as he was kissed and stared up at Ian with cloudy, green eyes.

"How was that for a first time?"

Ben moaned, "Am-mazing... It felt so goood.."

Ian smirked, "And that was just with my fingers, just wait until you can handle me."

Ben pouted and blushed, "I could totally of handled you, but next time-"

"But you're a virgin. That cute little hole of yours is still too tight and innocent to take it." Ian smirked at Ben's blush, "But don't worry, more good fingering and maybe some plugs should loosen you right up."

End 1) Ben's a blushy mess as he falls asleep against Ian's chest

End 2) Ben playfully slaps Ian and changes the subject by telling Ian it's his turn to show what he's good at and flips their positions before getting between Ian's legs and showing off his mouth skills


1094 words! You can see how I never chose an ending for this one 😅

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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