(Doctor Who) Imagine You Are a Shy Companion that Keeps Getting Captured

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~This one was requested by FlakeSnow10121! Thank you lovely for requesting! Imagine you are the companion to the 11th incarnation of the Doctor, but you are terrible at saving the world(s?). You're super shy for one, and you keep getting captured. And next to Amy Pond, you look even worse. You were just a shy, quiet girl who'd barely seen any of the world before you met the Doctor, and now you are a shy, quiet girl who's seen a lot of the universe. But what if you found you weren't the seen as the annoying companion like you thought? What if you meant so much more to the madman in the box?~

The universe was beautiful. Of course, it would be less beautiful if it stopped trying to kill you.

You see, you were the companion of a madman. A wondrous, incredible madman that roamed the stars endlessly, but always somehow found his way back to Earth. And you, well, you were just a girl from there. A tiny little human in the great wide world, but you got to travel and explore the realms of outer space, all because you accidentally bumped into some rather handsome fellow in a bowtie. He adopted you, or that's how you felt at least, and it has been a mad adventure ever since.

The thing was, you struggled. Every adventure came with danger, that was undisputable and it came with the job, so to speak. But you weren't cut out for it. You were horrible at fighting, horrible with weapons, and even worse at saving yourself, and you always seemed to be needing saving. The aliens were much bigger, much stronger, and though you would like to say you were smarter, this was often just not the case, or so you felt. You had your kindness intact, but that didn't help much when a statue was trying to touch you and send you into another era of time. 

And so, you felt completely and utterly useless to the doctor. You were terrified everyday that you would wake up and he would announce that you needed to leave, when thast was the last thing you wanted to do. But you were weak, and a libalilty. Especially when compared next to the incredible amy Pond, who was another companion of the doctor's. She was beautiful, skinny, brave, and genius. She fought off tthe monsters with the best of them, and didn;'t even mess up her hair while doing so. but you? While you were an overweight mess that never looked good, even when nothing was happening. You were shocked that you had been invited to be a companion at all, much less stay after it was discovered what a wreck you were.

And on top of that all, you were extremely shy. Talking with people was very difficult for you, not to mention talking to aliens. This even included the Doctor, since you had quite a crush on him, form the moment you laid eyes on him. You goofed uo your words all the time, and Amy teased you about it endlessly. It was rather hard for you, as your were insecure enough as it was, but everything made it all the more difficult, from Amy's joking, to the alien's taunts, to the Doctor's seeming disregard for you and your feelings.

 Then, one day, all of your worst fears were realized. You were caught. Like usual, that wasn't the scariest part. It was that then, after, no one came to save you like usual. Instead, the Doctor called the monster's bluff, but he guessed wrong. They were ready to kill you, gladly. And so, they did.

Death felt cold. Really, really cold. Like it was the darkest shadow in existence, wrapping its icy tenctacles around you like yet another monster. Your time was up. Your life expired. You had pushed fate too many times, and it was time it caught up to you. And so, it did.

There was nothing, and there suddenly, there was color. Brightness. LIFE.

The Doctor was looking at you, cradling your head in his lap.

 "Y/N? Y/N!" You slowly opened your eyes, and the Doctor breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought I lost you there for a minute."

"Nope. You still got to put up with me." You grinned, but he frowned at you.

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