(S2) Chapter 53 - Finale

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"Please.. please don't tell her"

"Jin- I have too. She has to know."

"Please understand, if you tell her I will lose her. I know how much he means to her, but all I wanted was us to be safe."


"I'll do anything."

-6 Months Later.-

"Tae? Where are we going?" She giggles, holding her hands out in front of her, the tie over her eyes blocking her vision. I hold her shoulders, gently guiding her through the grass.

"It's a surprise remember?"

"Yeah, but- i keep stepping on rocks. I'm gonna fall~"

"If you do, I'll catch you, love."

"Aish, stop being romantic and be practical." She whines, blushing softly. We took a few steps before she speaks again.

"Aren't we supposed to be waiting for the boys? So we can show them our new house?"

"Don't worry, this is more important."

"Ohoho, I thought getting our own house was your idea, and a pretty important one to show off wasn't it?"

"Trust me love."

"Aish, If Jin goes into mother mode then you're dealing with him."

"Mmm, I'll let you deal with your bother." She scoffs at my reply

"That isn't fair-"

"Do you want me to carry you?" I cut her off, leaving the debate floating in the air.

"You want to carry your pregnant fiancé?" Even if she couldn't see me, her head snaps back towards me. I smirk, before reaching one arm under her knees and one on her back, lifting her bridal style causing hers to gasp.

"You're not even heavy."

"Kim Taehyung! Put me down!" She holds onto me tightly, her head pressed against my chest. I release a smile unknowingly before walking ahead.

As we got closer, I caught glimpse of what I've been working on the past few months. And I felt memories flood my body, unwanted and cherished ones. I bite my tongue at the memories of Baekhyun, hoping this won't remind her of him.

"We're here, do you want me to put you down or are you enjoying yourself?" I tease, I could sense her roll her eyes before answering.

"I'll take the first option. Though I love this position." I kiss her cheek, before placing her carefully on the ground.


"Should I be scared?" She tilts her head, my fingers reach around her neck, untying the cloth around her eyes.

I don't answer her, nervous to see her reaction.

"Tae? Tae what-" I step behind her, now completely pulling it off. Her eyes widen in shock, her lips part in awe.

"Oh my god, Taehyung- How.." her eyes begin to sparkle like glass in the sun. I wrap my arms around her waist, looking up towards her cheek.

"Do you like it?"

"Tae- I-" I see a smile paint on her face, her head turning back to look at me. "I love it you dork." She laughs breathlessly. I kiss her cheek swiftly, sighing of relief.

She once again looks ahead towards the tree which held a wooden structure in its branches. Small yet comfortable is how he would describe it.

He knew it was strange to build such a thing, but to him it held beautiful memories from a horrible place.

"You don't think it's stupid?"

"No, not at all. I'm just in awe, I remember our old treehouse, do you ever wonder how it is now?"

"Probably on the ground by now." She chuckles before looking towards me.

"Can we go up?" She asks, my hand scratches the back of my neck.

"I thought you were pregnant."

"Oh come on Tae. Please~"

"Fine, but be careful." She rolls her eyes playfully, before walking to the steps that were nailed into the tree, I walk behind her. She places her hands on a step above her, pulling gently.

"Is this safe?"

"I wouldn't let you climb it if I thought it wasn't, love."

She climbed the planks one by one, carefully looking down at me for assurance. When she reaches the top I climb after her quickly, wanting to see her reaction.

"Oh my god, Tae-" her eyes shined, shards of glass fall down her cheeks. Her body unconsciously gripped mine as soon as I got to the top. Her head pressed against my chest.

The inside was painted the brightest peach pigment he could find, he filled the inside with wooden seats that were painted white with a table in the center, on the other side held a small window with a small telescope bolted into the wood. A white strand of lights nailed onto the top of each wall, casting a glow on the furniture.

And the final touch that he thought made this whole thing worth it was some wooden letters nailed into the wood, that were Painted various colors of pink and purple. Spelling the name of who will rule this tree house in the future.

Kim Eun Mi

"How did you find the time to do this?"

"Well... your brother lost a bet, so.. he helped me with this, usually after practice we'd come here to work on it."

"Oh so that's why you always came home late." I released a sly smile. I pulled a bit away from her, my arms still placed on her lips.

"So... Do you forgive me?" She looks up to me, with a 'duh' look.

"Yes, I forgive you." I smile as you lean upwards and kiss my cheek. I move my head slightly and press my lips against hers.

"I love you, so much." I whisper against her lips, her eyes open slightly to look into mine.

"I love you more." I raise my eyebrow, pressing my lips against hers again, harder this time. The pressure of my feelings for her caused me to hold her close to me, and I never want to let go.


And that's it!

But wait! Epilogue is still coming soon ;)

Oh my gosh... what to say?

It's been a long, difficult, tearful ride. This story really What was brought my profile to the eyes of many, and I'm extremely thankful for the chance to write for you. I'm currently not planning on a season 3 since I don't see a point to continue this when there isn't much left to the story, Even season 2 was a stretch. But that doesn't mean I don't love the characters. I hope you got attached and loved the characters as much as I did.

I'll see you on the next story. *Cough* Entitled to The Throne is my next main focus so you should check it out *cough* along with -Forever- never yours *cough*

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang