Chapter 32 "Mistake or Fate?"

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"About?" You mutter nervously

I feel my own mouth stumble over what to say, what should I say? Maybe..

"You said you had taken hostages? Who are they?"

Her eyes darken and her fists clench tight, making them go white. I've never seen her this angry


"Can we not talk about it? I don't want to think about it now. I'm over it." She mumbles the last part to herself reassuring herself, but mostly failing. But now I'm curious.. but, now's not the right time right?

"O-kay, we can skip that. Are you hurt?" I ask, looking her over, my hand grabs her shoulder making her face me. But when I saw her, her eyes were red.

My heart skips a beat seeing her red eyes avoid mine. I grab her cheeks with my hands making her look at me. She's crying? Is this because I asked.. oh shoot.

"Y/n did you-" She sobs out her knees giving out from under her, I go down with her as she crouch's. I immediately wrap my arms around her body, which was shaking. She begins to cry and her body melts against mine. Her hands gripping my arms, as she nuzzles her head into my chest.

"Hey- hey. What's wrong?" I ask gently when she begins to take deep breaths. I figure this is the only way to make her get it off her chest, not even caring for the others who were ahead of us. We stay there until she responds. Her head moves against my chest to where she can speak.

"My friend.. my old friend- he betrayed me... he lied to me for years. He almost put a arrow between my eyes.. if it wasn't for Jin... I would have died. I didn't have the heart to shoot back.. but why would he-" she begins to choke up again and I rub her back, as my other hand strokes her hair gently.

"I hate him." She mutters darkly, But it's masked with pain, it's obvious she's trying hard to rid of her feelings.

"Who's him? I will be sure to take care of the bastard." She only scoffs and leans away from me, turning around to face me.

"There's no reason too.. I'd rather just move on by eating my heart out."

"You and Jin, it's no wonder you're related. You both eat my servings." I pout and she giggles softly

"Sorry.." She mumbles, biting her lip softly. I tilt my head in confusion, why did she apologize?

"For your.. shirt." She points and I look down to where her tears had soaked through my shirt, lucky for me I had a hoodie. I shrug at the wet feeling.

"It's not a problem at all, as long as it went to a good cause." I smile at her but she looks troubled at my warm gaze.

"Tae... about that kiss earlier.." I bit my lip. I knew she would ask.

"Did you.. want that to happen or did it just-"

"I don't even know myself." I spoke truthfully, I really don't know why I did that? Maybe it was because I feel a connection towards her or was it.. maybe it was just a 'don't die' kiss?

"Oh, yeah, thats how I feel too." She smiles softly. But it seems almost.. fake.

"Y/n. Wait," she shakes her head. Shoot I said the wrong thing right? I did the wrong thing? F*ck, I keep messing up.

"Don't worry about it, I really was just curious. It didn't matter to me anyway." She assures but I feel weird by her day that. Nothing? I shouldn't feel disappointed but.. why do I?

I don't know what's going on with me, one day I whine and cry of missing Sohyun then the next I kiss Y/n? I miss Sohyun but I feel something towards Y.n? But I can't just mess with her as I try to figure myself out. I hurt her plenty already, I can't hurt her more? But it seems like what I choose will hurt one of us.

"S*it Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way." I curse myself but she only seems amused yet sad at my stumbling self.

"Really, don't worry about it okay? I know how you feel towards her. I would never get in the way. I was just asking since we were having a moment there." She laughs, wiping her messy hair out of her face. I only sigh, I really hate my self right now. Why can't I say anything?

"The others are waiting, are you ready to go?" She asks, blinking her pink eyes. I just nod and walk with her awkwardly.


"It's about time you arrived!" Namjoon yells as we walk inside to the full room of arguments.

"Woah, what's going on?" I ask, leaving Y/n side.

"There's a blackbox somewhere on this island that they tampered with, pulling the cords out! And they won't tell us where it is!" He growled, as I look down the hall to the boys attached to each other back to back.

My eyes widen when I see who they were, he was the one? He had to be.. he actually tried to kill her? I was about to walk over there and "talk" to him but Yoongi grabs my shirt

"He won't talk Taehyung, we have to find another way." He grips tighter but my eyes are flaring with anger.

"What is wrong with you? I know you want to get that blackbox but-"

"I need to speak to Y/n." Baekhyun Mutters, I only growl in response.

"No way am I letting you near her! You almost killed her you bastard!" I yell, starting to lose myself.

"Taehyung, seriously, calm the f*ck down." Yoongi warns.

But my eyes widen when I see her walk towards him.

She looks at me and sees how angry I am, I don't want him near her, nowhere near her. I don't care enough to figure out why I'm so livid.

"I'll be okay, he can't hurt me, has has no weapons. Plus, I need closure." She weakly states before closing the door and locking it.


Sorry for the long wait, I recently had a break because of exams and I've been busy. I've also been sick for the 2nd time this month. But I've finally been getting better. The daily posts I had were pre-written. And no I have to actually start writing again. So don't mind that please. Also, I hope this series hasn't disappointed you too much.. I'm trying to end this soon, I also need your help. I can't decide if I should make a book two... that's all. I don't know if I should just end with a epilogue or a story continuing on. But, that's all I will spoil that's going through my head. Thank you to the ones who read this ❤️ you are the best.

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