(S2) Chapter 37 - Cold

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"Just rest until I come back, I have to find us some food. I'll be back soon, hopefully." You mumble, leaving the note beside him, you take a deep breath and reach for his bag, scavenging for money, thanking the air when you find about 56,000 won. Roughly about 50 dollars.

"Okay, this should be enough for food. But clothes.." you look down at yourself, seeing your torn grey hoodie stained in red. Your jeans in the same state but not as obvious since they were black. Mingyus clothes were utterly ruined.

How can you get food like this?

You think for a minute, coming up with an idea. You walk to the bathroom, and turn your hoodie inside out before putting it on again.

It looks odd, but thankfully the blood didn't soak all the way through. You walk out of the bathroom, then taking the room key from the nightstand with his bag.

"I'll be back soon Mingyu." You say as you exit the room, putting your inside out hoodie up over your head. You walk down the second story stairs, looking around near for any signs of convenience stores in the dark night, only street lamps and windows provided light.

It would be handy if you could search on your phone or if you could drive in a car. But you had to break the phone and ditch the car a few miles away, to avoid being caught. But it made getting mingyu here more of a chore.

You decide to just walk down the street, glancing at street signs and other gas stations.

You were in a small town, somewhere north of busan.

Or at least that's what you saw on the street signs that flew by during the car chase.

The cool air fanned your face, you wrap your arms around yourself to give warmth, but it wasn't much. You suddenly miss your home more and more, you miss your parents and you miss Taehyung.

You were scared, you were worried about them more than yourself.

Mingyu said that something happened to your parents, to your house. You hoped that they were okay, you felt guilty.

You wish Taehyung could magically appear in front of you, to sprinkle you with love, tell you that everything's okay. You miss those days, when nothing mattered besides the two of you.

Sh*t, I have to stop thinking so much.

You spot a neon sign that displayed a name of a convenience store, you praised the world for finally coming across a small store.

The parking lot was practically empty, only 3 cars were parked. The windows lit up the inside, display aisle of food and quick household items.

You open the main door, a chime rang through the building. The cashier playing on his phone, not caring that you had walked in.

You make your way to the food aisle, taking chips, and cups of ramen, since you were lucky enough to have a microwave at the motel. You pack up antibiotics and painkillers for mingyu and You find your way to a sad display of plain t-shirts, you pick out black on your size and guess for mingyus, it looked like it could fit.

The store didn't have pants for some reason, so you would just have to deal with blood smelling jeans.

Your eyes catch a cart load of burner phones, the cogs in your mind spinning.

You may need it, you could contact Taehyung if you need to, anyone really.

It would take your only money down to practically coins Though.

But you decide to buy it anyway.

You place your items down on the counter, the cashier finally looked up at you, raising his eyes at the strange items. But he only scoffed and scanned as you looked away, oddly looking out the window.

"Why are you out so late?" You flinch at the tone of the boy, he only mindlessly continues to scan.

"Just- needed to get stuff and didn't have any other time to do it 'kay?" You snap, the cashier chuckles at
Your attitude.

"Hey man, I didnt mean to intrude, you do what you got to, no judgment."


He scans the last item and you hand him the cash, he hands you your change and thanks you.

"Oh, by the way-" you glance up, your heart fastens as you wait for him to finish.

"Your hoods inside out."


"Oh, I-I didn't even notice." You chuckle dryly, the boy eyed you oddly before grabbing his phone once again.

"Have a good night ma'am, might want to fix your hood next time."


As you open the main door, a chime rings once again. You sigh of relief as you walk back to the motel.

Thank god he didn't recognize me.

When you open the door to the motel room, mingyu was still sleeping, the sharp smell of blood automatically stained your nostrils.

You place the bags of groceries on the dresser, scavenging for the antibiotics you bought, once you find them you grab a cup from beside the sink and fill it with water.

"Mingyu, mingyu, Hey.. wake up. I got you medicine." His eyes open into slits, his iris's clouded. He looks ultimately confused, scanning around.

"Here, take these. Then you can go back to sleep, they will help you feel better." You place the pills in his mouth, then pouring water between his lips, You Wait for him to swallow them you nod in approval. His eyelids already began to fall within a few moments. You put the pills he should take again on the nightstand and put water there too, leaving a note for him to find if he wakes before you.

You grab one of the new shirts and walk to the bathroom, taking off your old hoodie and putting on the crystal blue shirt then sit on your bed and lay yourself on your side, to where you could see mingyu.

You were exhausted, it's been a long, insane f*cking day. You didn't feel like thinking it over, your life has changed dramatically within the past week, it would be to much to think of when you have little to no energy left in you.

It wasn't long before your world began to turn black.

I'm sorry for the long wait, I've just been busy and I've been having a bit of writers block. I'll try to work and post more when I can. The second special chapter will be posted next. Thank you guys 💜

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