Chapter 20 "Careless Boys"

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"How do I feel about you..?" You feel your heart beat faster, answering that question. But you only bite your lip in nervousness. As his eyes only focus on yours. Wanting an answer from you hungrily.

"I uhh. Look up to you?" You question your own answer and you could see by his reaction he wasn't fond of that answer.

"How so?" He pushes further. You don't know why he is, but it's putting you in a mess.

"I admire you in a way, you are.. " The reason my heart beats faster, the reason I'm struggling to answer you. I'm scared, I don't want to lose you. You are the reason why my boring life from before changed into one I can live in without worrying who would be there when I woke up. You're the reason I feel emotions, before I was a shell, a rank. I was acting for a rank, I was blind, being controlled by the one who gave us those ranks.

"You are the reason I'm free." Is all you can say to fit all your thoughts. Without him what would you be doing right now? Working on the new camp? Being told what to do from the Elites?

"You're free?" He asked tilting his head

What is he trying to get me to say? That I owe him? That he's right?

"I'm not a rank anymore Taehyung." You smile, and he soon smiles afterwards with you. Even if that essentially the answer he wanted, it still made him feel illuminating.

"And I won't let you become one again. As long as I'm here to hold you back." He says pulling you in for a tight hug, practically pinning you against him.

It felt strange, the way he acted now. I remember back then he was touchy. But he was more independent. But now he is here, holding you and telling you about him. I'm scared that he will change again. Back to where he will keep everything from me.

I want him to stay like this.

"Thank you Taehyungie pabo~" you smile evilly and he pulls back from you a little annoyed

"I thought I told you to not call me that." You smile poking his nose

"Sorry Taehyungie pabo." You giggle as you swiftly roll of the bed away from his grasp that was still annoyed.

"Hey!" He yells after you but you quickly run out of the room and close the door.

You take a deep breath as you calm yourself from smiling. You lean agains the door hearing no noise signaling he didn't come after you. He was tired after all.

You bite your lip, wondering what you should do now. Since he did steal your bed and since you made fun of him I'm sure he won't let you have it.

You just sigh at the thought of having to sleep on the floor or on a broken couch.

You hear voices and clanging from down the hall perking your ears as you walk towards the voices.

"Dammit Namjoon! I told you to not touch those!" Jin yells at the frightened Namjoon

"I told you he could reach them." Yoongi snaps as he sits at the table along with Hoesok and Jimin.

On the floor lays a pile of pots and pans scattered along with a few glasses that are now broken.

"He can reach anything, which is why I voted to take off his thumb." Jimin shrugs

"Shut up shortie." Namjoon retorts

Jimin only rolls his eyes and continues his card game with Hoesok as Yoongi was half asleep watching them. The smell of cooked fish keeping him awake.

Jin only groaned as he walked over to the closet and picked up a broom in his pink apron, making him seem sweet on the outside. But yet namjoon was scared to death.

You simply just stood there watching the boys not sure what to do or say, it seems like they didn't even notice you.

It was only when Jin turned away from the closet holding the broom you were noticed.

"Oh, hi Y/n." Jin said calmly, unlike the pink monster that was released a second ago. As With your name mentioned all the boys heads turned towards you unfazed

"Uh, hi" you laugh uncomfortably and wave

"What are you doing in here? I thought you were with-"

"He's asleep." You snap out to quickly. Even if it was true the boys only wiggled their eyebrows.

"Well, since you're here can you help me with this?" Jin pointed at the pile with his broom and you just sigh and nod.

Maybe I can get on their good side with this? I don't want them to trap me like they once did before, and since I'm also from the other camp I'm sure that's double points for me.

You grab the little pieces of glass and put them in a little bag Jin gave you, as he swept up the remaining fragments of glass and other things, you help move the pans back on the counter as Jin who was taller than you put them up in the cabinets.

You clap your hands together as you finish. Feeling better since you helped but seemed to get no recognition. As you turn around to see all the boys crowding around the table playing cards to excitedly.

You simply sigh as Jin came up to you.

"Better get used to it. Those boys are the most unappreciative brats on this island." He whispers to you as you shake your head

"We'll see how long they last while I'm here." You cross your arms.

"What?" He said confused.

You simply smirk as you think of plans to get these boys out of their tightly sealed, ego filled boxes.

That was until you hear another crash coming from beside you.

"Namjoon!" Jin yells raising the broom up high as he sees another plate shattered on the floor.

"You should run dude." Hoesok says nonchalantly as he deals another pair of cards.

But with that said Namjoon makes a run for it out the front door with Jin running close behind with his broom high in the air.

You wonder out the door after them and your eyes follow them as Namjoon runs into a tree branch and falls as Jin bats him with his broom over and over again.

You look back to the ones inside who are carelessly ignoring the scene outside. Still laughing and playing cards.

This is really going to take some getting used to..

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang