(S2) Chapter 23 - Help

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Knock. knock.

Your fingers fidget with the band on your finger, your mind in a haze of words with no meaning.

"It's about time you show up." Your eyes turn to a harsh green looking towards him.

"You told me "As soon as Possible" not right away." He chuckles

"Well I didn't think 2 moons would be "As soon as Possible."" You roll off the words you were going to speak before crossing your arms and speaking

"So what? Why did you need me here?" He slides over, signaling you to come inside.

Your eyebrow raises, he sighs and leans closer to you.

"It's important."

"Fine." You wall inside slowly, feeling a cold breeze make you shiver. Your eyes instinctively look for him.

"You always seem to surprise me darling." Taos husky voice hits you.

Your eyes snap towards the kitchen, where rose and Tao were sipping coffee, both looked exhausted.

"Why do you look so tired?"

"Good afternoon to you too Y/n." Rose snaps. Placing down her cup.

Jaebum walks past you, heading towards the kitchen.

"You hungry? I can make you sandwiches if you want."

"No, no I'm- I'm fine thanks." You stumble your words. Your heart beats banging against your rib cage.

"Are you sure about this rose? She seems pretty paranoid about being here. I doubt she will like what we have planned."

"Well what else can we do? We all know that he will only listen to her!"

"I know that- "

"Then it's settled."


"Y/n? We need to ask something of you that's really important." The haze was lifted when rose approached you. Her face filled with determination.


"It's about-" she looks back to the other before continuing. "It's about Baekhyun."

And that's when staying calm was overrated.

"What?! No! Why do we have to talk about him!"

"Listen please, I know what you went through-"

"No, you don't have a single idea what I went through. Because none of you were here to see it!"

"I get that. I couldn't do anything until it was too late. But he's- he's sick."

"What do you mean sick?"

"He's not eating, speaking, he's alone all the time because he won't come out of his room. Heck, he won't even move."


"Why should I care." You hush out. Your eyes become to painful to keep open.

"Because, you're the only one he truly cares about. I know that seems silly to you. But once he found out he did that to you he became this way. He was like this too when we first got here. He was devastated because he almost killed you. It's not him who did those to you, you have to know that."

It took a few moments, to take in all of what she said. But then you whisper-

"What do you want me to do?"

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें