(S2) Chapter 41 - No

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- Just a warning, these last few parts will be a bit more violent, if you are opposed to reading such things then maybe it isn't a good idea to read these. -

It's been a few hours since your brother disappeared, ran away from you. Ever since you've been explaining what you've gotten yourself into to the group of boys, Taehyung holding onto your side when it became difficult to breathe, you weren't leaving anything out even the darkest detail. Like you should have done a long time ago.

"It makes so much more sense now." Hobi bit his lip, thinking back.

"I'm so sorry, if we knew-"

"It's my fault, don't apologize. I got myself here, I have to figure this out. I just hope Jin comes back soon, I'm worried."

"He will, I know he will." Taehyung soothes you, kissing your temple softly. You couldn't understand how he could be this close to you.. knowing everything. It honestly made you feel even worse.

You should have just told him, but you were so afraid of loosing him.

"I don't know, he seemed pretty angry."

"Yeah, why would he be though? It doesn't make sense, mingyu was protecting you." Jimin says, curiously facing the others.

"When we got that one letter, he seemed to know about Nova, also in one letter it mention that she was trying to get revenge. And it seems only Jin could possibly be connected." Rose explains, leaning against the wall.

"How so?" Jungkook challenged

"I don't know, what do you think? You said he forgot Y/n while he was on the island, so he was somewhere else in another group. Maybe she was his girlfriend or leader or something."

It almost hits you like a truck when her own words ring in your ears.

"Yes! It's amazing isn't it? Him and I were dating on that island! Yet he didn't remember you did he?"

You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel your body shiver.

"Y/n, Hey, what is it love?"

"It's true." You whisper.

"What is?" Namjoon presses on

"She was his girlfriend."


My body began to shake in the cold, my feet led me to a place I've been afraid of visiting ever since I saw the back of the letter.


As you've noticed, your sister was taken recently by a woman who knew you, who wanted personal revenge. She had her in captivity originally just for the death of G-Dragon, camp 002's leader. And now shes dead, thanks to your sister. We have no choice to kill her for her crimes, she has many souls on her shoulders. So now would be the time to say goodbye, if you find her first. -From, the leader of the immortal wings, Jae-Hwa


"Guys, you should come look at this."

My hands shook as the others stood, when they were no longer looking towards me, I grip the paper, stuffing it in my pocket.


I close the bathroom door, arching in my pocket grabbing the paper and a lighter. Turning off the lights i flick the lighter in, casting an orange flame lighting the room.

And sure enough the back of the paper lights a hidden message, like the last ones.

I know where your sister is located, and I know what's going to happen. When you meet your sister again, you must betray her, and come see me, if you want her to live in peace. If you don't, I'm afraid your whole life will change, you've seen what I am capable of, I wouldn't make such a choice if I were you. Meet me at the Seoul abandoned industry district, I'll explain more there.

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin