Chapter 33 "So Close.."

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Shutting the door and a lock can be heard from the room that held the two of them. Both looking at me like lost puppies locked in a cage. I grip the arrow in my hand tightly looking at them.

But their eyes look scared. Not the same ones you had just encountered.

They're.. afraid?

"Well, you wanted to speak to me. Speak." I demand.

Seconds go by, nothing. What's gotten Into them?

You bite your lip, before gripping the door handle

"Wait, I- I need to tell you." Baekhyun interrupts my move.

"Tell me what?" I ask, he looks around, almost for an answer that would be printed on the wall.

"The blackbox.." He mutters, his head falling


"What about it?" You mutter. You remember hearing about the blackbox thing a long time ago when you were in your old clan. You would hear stories and rumors about it but you never understood what it was. You just knew it was important to the clan. Or should I say, the most important thing to the clan, even above lives. You would be taught to protect that thing even if it was to the death with the other clans. You never knew where it was located, only the higher leagues and trusted ones knew.  You knew it was important.

Baekhyun looked behind him towards Tao, who just nodded.

"You know what it is right?" He asks, you shake your head.

"It's a device that was on the ship, when the ship sinks it sends alerts and records and sends coordinates to the mainland. It's basically... a key to your rescue." He mutters, making your mouth make a 'o'

"Then why is it not working?! How has it not found us by now?"

"Because, because G-Dragon broke into it and pulled the cords out. They can be put back but he guards it with his life, refusing to let anyone be near it." So that's what we were protecting? Our rescue?

"He doesn't want anyone to leave the island, he wants it to be his. It's his sense of control.. he's in control of lives and he has the power to keep us here.." You clench your fist, if you knew.. you would have done something about it.

"And why did you just let him keep us here? You supported it? Or where you just afraid?" You ask

"You don't understand.." He mutters

"Where is it?" You demand, He bites his lip before spilling

"It's on the other side of the island, there is a piece of the ship there, people will be guarding it. It's obvious when you find it." He mutters

"And why are you telling me this?" You ask darkly, it might be a trap.

"Because.. you deserve to live, you deserve to see your family again. You and your friends, deserve to see the ones you love again after all this time. I just, I want to see you happy again. Even if its isn't with me." You want to feel happy now that you know you have a chance to leave, but.. something is missing. You want to be angry at Baekhyun for almost killing you but.. it's so difficult to rid of these old feelings.

"You should see the ones you love again too."

"No, no. I don't have anyone on the mainland waiting for me, and now nobody here is cares. I ruined it. But, I care for you, even if that's ridiculous to believe after.. what I did. But I do care. "

"You're right, it is hard to believe. But I still care for you even if I don't want too. Which is why we are leaving this island." You explain, looking at him determined.

"Y/n... there are elites guarding the blackbox. You can't be so confident right now."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. You should." You smirk

"What are you talking about? Are you bringing the boys with you or.."

"You. I'm bringing the two of you with me. And that's our secret okay?" You see his face change immediately, almost like seeing a ghost

"You can't be seri-"

"You shot my shoulder with a arrow if you forgot! You really think I can go that far?" Tao growls, for the first time making a sound.

"Stop being a baby, what happened to the win or die Tao." He looks at you deeply

"Because I don't care about getting off this stupid island." He growls

"You should care, even if you don't want to leave we still have you as a hostage." You play with the arrow in your hand

"Is that a threat?"

"Did you take it as a threat?" The boys became silent, almost cursing out their minds

"We're leaving tonight at midnight, get some rest and build your trust. Maybe bond a little. This is our secret okay? The boys aren't t coming."

"And why not? They are probably more capable."

"I don't know if you forgot but your clan is still out there searching for us. Someone has to guard the place. I'm sure you won't mind?" You grip the arrow tightly.

"Plus this way, you are free to go afterwards. If that's your choice." The boys looked at you, but with no expression

"See you tonight." You nod then closing the door.


Taehyung his eyes shut tightly, as he tossed and turned in the night, but his mind refusing to sleep.

His mind wandered, paranoia of being attacked while asleep was evident. But he didn't realize when he finally fell asleep later on.

He woke up to see the morning sun shine through the holes in the wall, making the room glow yellow. With dust as glitter in the air.

He stretched on his mattress, yawning. He was still tired but seeing as the sun was up, it was probably his turn to survey the camp. He sat up with his thin blanket covering his cold self.

He saw a white piece of paper laying on the floor by the door, laying calmly, calling his name.

He stood up and waddled towards the lone price of paper and opened it. It read..

Hey Tae,

I know it's a waste to use paper when it's so scarce, but this is the only way I can let you know what's going on. I don't know if you noticed yet or not.. but I'm gone. I left with Baekhyun and Tao to get the blackbox somewhere on the island. I know you are probably worried but, I still have enough trust for them to lead me the correct way and to also protect me. I know how excited all of you are to leave, that's why I thought I should go right away. Please don't be upset I didn't let you know earlier. I knew you would refuse to let me go with them or come along. If the blackbox works then you should be rescued soon, if I'm not there in time just go. We will see eachother again on the main land Tae~ and then we can find Sohyun, like I promised. Be safe Taehyung, until rescue gets there, okay? I'll see you soon

      <3 Y/n

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