Chapter 23 "Making It About You"

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Your hands start to shake seeing the marks. How could he not have seen this? Was he to scared to look past the names?

You quickly stand up wiping your tears, suddenly feeling confidence through your veins.

I don't care if he hates me, he just needs to know she's alive.


He should know right? He has the right to.

"Hey Y/n!" You look up hoping to see Taehyung but your hopes are given up.

"Uh, hi Jimin." You say in a steady tone, hoping to god it wasn't obvious you were crying.

"What are you doing here alone? I thought you were with Taehyung?" He asks oblivious.

"I- i was, he just left." You smile, a painful smile. And he seems to catch on.

"h-hey are you alright? Did you two fight?" He asks carefully

"U-um." You look at the charm.

"Sorta." You look back up and he looks disappointed.

"Ugh, that boy. Whatever it is he probably didn't mean it. He's been acting weird all week. i was surprised today when he didn't backtalk me. But apparently that didn't last long."

"Jimin?" You ask starling him.


"Did you know Sohyun?"

His face goes pale, almost like a ghost. And he breaks into a cold sweat.

"How did you know about her?"

"I learned of her the hard way." You dangle the charm on the chain from your hand, his eyes widen.

"He- he gave you that?" his eyes sadden coming to you immediately taking it into his hands

He looks at it with care, like it would shatter in his hands. His eyes go glossy, and you now know you made a mistake.

"J-jimin, are you okay?"

"She was my sister, my little sister." He mumbles and your eyes widen. He suddenly puts it to his chest, holding his breath

I'm only breaking these boys one by one.

"J-jimin, don't cry, she's okay!" you say ecstatic but he looks at you with doubt

"Taehyung was doubtful too, but then i saw this." You put your hand out for him to give you the charm, you wait patiently for him to give it to you which he does.

You flip it over, and point the engraved letters into the sunlight, making it easier to see.

His eyes widen, almost yelling over happiness.

"You aren't pranking me right? This isn't a joke?" He yells and you shake your head. Happy for him.

"She's still out there Jimin! She has to be near, for us to find this!" he grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug.

You are shocked but give in giving him a hug as well.

"Y/n-ah You are the best! I can't believe it! She's okay!" His eyes sparkle and look out to the ocean

"I'm going to find you Sohyun! I will! I promise you!" he yells, you laugh and he smiles at you.

"I have to tell the others, we have to hurry with those parts!" He laughs but before he can leave you grab his shoulder.

"Wait, jimin, Tae ran away earlier, we should look for him first!"

"he will be fine Y/n. He does this all the time, but seriously, we have to help jin to find more parts for that boat." He laughs running away from you, to ecstatic to see your worried face.

You look at the charm in your hand and sigh,

I'm going to have to find him alone aren't i?


You follow the printed footprints in the dirt, leading down a path. One you've never been on before, its a new part of the island for you.

the prints became more.. calm, rather than the ones where it seemed like he was running. You hope that he's okay, you can't help but to be worried. Jimin reassured you saying he does this often, but this time it was caused by.. Sohyun. And since she wasn't here, you felt the need to tell him, that she's still out there. You don't know how long until this was out there for us to find. Yo just pray that its recent. Taehyung needs that assurance.

"Taehyung?!" You call out again when you notice the prints stop, around the grassy area.

You look around, hoping to see more hints to where he was, but nothing.

You sigh, thnking which way to look. But you hear a whimper from behind a tree.

"Taehyung?" you say more calm, waiting for an answer but you only hear a cry and another whimper.

You feel your heart tighten, feeling the words he said to you a little while ago. but you stop them from affecting you.

This is about him now, not you.

You walk around the tree to see the boys arms wrapped around his legs. His cheeks red and stained with tears. He doesn't look at you, he only turns his head from you.

"Taehyung.." you coo softly. You crouch beside him as you hear him sniffle but manage to scowl

"What are you doing here?" His deep voice sends shivers down your spine. Making you become more nervous than confident now.

"I came here for you of course." You smile softly, looking at him with kind eyes

But he doesn't seem to care.

"Well you shouldn't have." He growls standing up, almost walking away but you quickly grab his wrist

"Let go." He doesn't even spare a glance to you. His knuckles turning white

"Not until you hear me out." You sound with as much confidence you could muster.

"I thought I told you I never wanted to hear from you again? Are you really that dumb?" He scoffs

You clench your jaw, starting to become angry

"I may be that dumb. But at least I care!" You tell making him flinch. He didn't expect you to yell

"I'm tired of being thrown away so easily! I hate being so weak and useless! I don't know what I do to cause it! I wish I could fix it! And I'm trying to fix it now!" You tell to get that off your choice. Your eyes brimming with tears. But now, maybe he will understand why you're here. Maybe you can help if he would just look at you

He doesn't say a thing. Only looking at you with a blank face.

"Here." You pull the chain with the tag out of your pocket and let it dangle in the air until he takes it from you slowly. Almost agonizing

"You forgot it back there. You might want to look at the back of the tag, just so you know. It will make it better." You smile weakly. Almost fake. But you hide it.

You let go of his wrist as he looked at you with no emotion still.

You turn around walking back to the base, going over what has happened. And then you realize.

You still managed to make it partly about you.

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