(S2) Chapter 32 - Guilty

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-In light of my new book, Never, Forever yours. I'm posting an early chapter~ please give this new book a chance, the summary is already up! Chapters will start when camp is finished. Thank you for the ones who read this book as well.!-

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"You know Sohyun correct?" I look away, being silent. Not caring for any questions she asked me. Your body was tied to a steel chair, everytime you would move it would feel as if it would get tighter.

"Playing the silent game I see, well, I know you do know her." She tells you, her feet propped on her desk, her fingers holding a rock, sharpening a dull blade that she held. The a**hole must have told her.

"I've done some research on her, she's quite the messed up little thing isn't she?" You glare at her, but somehow, you were curious, you didn't know much about her, even when Taehyung told you a few things, he never told you about her past.

"Got you interested?" She smirks, placing the rock on the table and pulling open a drawer, throwing a file on her desk before opening it.

"Let's see, her parents were on their early twenties when she was born.. parents abandoned her when she was four.. she was taken in by a man in his late 30s, but soon ran away due to abuse, then she was homeless for a while before she met a boy named Jimin. She stays with him now."

Wait, so Jimin isn't her biological brother?

"And from then on she was unstable, but the boy Jimin seems to know how to control that." She raises her eyes to meet my shocked ones.

"You never knew any of that did you?"

"I never had a right to." She smirks a little, then tilts her head. She smirks and flips the paper, revealing a bold name you can recognize.

"And how much do you really know your little boyfriend?" Your heart drops when she mentions Taehyung, you clench your fists.

"Don't you dare speak of him out of your mouth."

"Hit a nerve hmm?" She the looks down, calmly reading off words that you tried to cancel out.

"Parents had him in their late 20's, father died of overdose when he was 5. Mother raised all 4 kids alone. His younger brother, was never home." She gasps, the looks at me, showing the poorest acting You've ever seen.

"That's when he started to date Sohyun yes? He was practically obsessed with her." She smirks a little. "Aren't you envious of their relationship? After all, you were just her replacement." You roll your eyes, trying to tune her out until she speaks once more.

"And not to mention the fact you killed someone... I wonder what he will think when he finds out. Assuming you haven't told him?"


"Taehyung.." she whimpers into my ear. "Why did you leave me? You knew I would have been unsafe.." she whimpers, she sat in front of me, her face flowed against the light that shined from the invisible lights. Her bright green eyes hypnotized mine, her lips shaped into a innocent smile. 4 white walls surrounded us. she was glowing, her voice rang in my ears, my mind felt so light near her.

"I didn't mean to love, I'm sorry, if I knew this would have happened-"

"It's always if's isn't it? If this and if that, I thought you cared for me, but all you do is run away from me. Don't you remember my nightmares- do you want me to suffer?!"

"I'm so sorry love, I just, I want to have a life for the both of us-"

"Huh, right. That's why you always leave me! Do you not love me anymore? Is that why you leave?" She stands, my breath begins to shake.

"No, love, I promise. I never meant to make you feel that way.-"

"All you care for us that group of yours! And your ex-wh*re! Am I just a object for you to use for your own pleasure when you come to visit!" She yells at me, I become stiff at her words, I grip her hand, tears contour my eyes.

"No, no, please don't think like that- you know how much I love you!" I plead, shaking.

"You have a f*cking great way of showing it."

"Please love, please don't leave me, I'm nothing without you."

"You were nothing with me either. I deserve much more than an omega." She smirks evilly, she leans down at my weak state, she caressed my cheek, then she leans down, nipping my ear before whispering.

"You're so blind." A sudden puncture to my chest collapses my lungs.

I can't breathe, I can't feel anything anymore.

"Taehyung." She sings out, an angelic tone.

"You should wake up, it's time." I only hear her voice ringing in my ears, I open my eyes and I could see her smiling.

"It's time Tae, you have to come find me-"

"All of me."


"Taehyung!!" My eyes snap open, gasping, choking on air, the pain of the nightmare still carrying over.

"Hey, you're okay. It's okay." I open my eyes, the dim room slowly fading in. Jin sat on the other end of the couch, carefully watching me.

"What- What happened?"

"You just had a nightmare, you're still here at my house." I sit up, jins hand planted on my shoulder.

I look around me, taking in the atmosphere, processing what situation we're in.

"Taehyung." Jin flatly states, I look over, he seems to be terrified when he says.

"Another note came."


"Leave me alone!" You scream, two men holding you tight, you swear you could feel your body buckle.

Memories of that one day flashed onto your eyelids, the feeling of pain and being afraid for your life took over.

But this time, you weren't about to pass out, this time you were angry. You could only see red, you felt the need to hurt.

Your mind was thrashing, angry and afraid of itself.

All you felt was fire in your veins.

"Let go of me!" You whailed, kicking and screaming.

"Now see Y/n, all I want is your brother, I brought you here for two reasons, but truly, I don't care about your friends. All I want is him. So if you help me, I'll help you. Got it?"

"What the hell do you want?" She smirks.

"You lure him to a certain place, and I will keep quiet about your little secret. If you don't help me, then.. well, I'm assuming the love of your life will reject you."

"So will you help me? Or not?" She tilts her head, I only feel the most insane part of my body take over, the one I've only let meet me in my dreams.

"You really think I'd let you use my brother again? I know your kind, of rather die at your hands than let him fall for your traps." She sighs, disappointment painted her expression.

"Well, that's a-shame, if that's what you really wish to happen then.. I see no reason to keep you around anymore."

"Eric, thomas, take her to the dark room. We take her to to the cliff at dawn."

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ