(S2) Chapter 29 - Beacon

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"You're going back!?" Jin's stern voice pounded against his ear drums, Taehyung's head yanked up in surprise hitting his head against the top bunk.

"Why are you going? We have tour-" Taehyung whimpers in pain, his eyes glaring at the angry Jin behind him, his hand rubbing his head.

"I'm just- I'm worried about Y/n." Jin's face falls almost immediately.

"Why? What happened?" The concerned voice of a older brother sinks itself in his tone.

"I don't want to worry y-"

"I'm already f*cking worried Taehyung! Tell me what happened to my sister!" His body flinches at his harsh tone, his hands leave the suitcase that He had finished packing, that was now on jungkooks bottom bunk.

"She hasn't spoke to me in two days."

Jins body almost fails him, protective mode hyping into gear.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you would freak out!"

"She's my sister!"

"She's my fiancé!"


"Then why don't you both go?" A light, soft and soothing voice floats its way into the room. Both of the boys eyes move from eachothers, looking at the thin, pale frame in front of them.

"We only have one ticket." The younger simply spills into the air, Jin suddenly eyeing Tae

"Well, Can't you just buy another?" Sohyun simply states.

"If there's any left."

Hobi suddenly pops into the room behind Sohyun, checking on the situation.

"You need another ticket?"

"Yes." Jin says faster than the younger could agree

"There's actually a few tickets for that flight left."

"ORDER THEM" Jin yells at the boy who stood next to Sohyun.

"You two are going to be great brothers in laws." Hobi remarks, noting the same reaction Taehyung had.

"Tell us when you both get there." Sohyun and hobi smiles, the two boys who were recently arguing now packing together.

"Good job." He gives the girl a high five, the two sneaking off down the hall.


"He's her boyfriend and her brother is also with him! You want to just keep this a secret? She could be dead!"

My heart was racing, my breath was shaking. My own body was betraying me.

My wrist was becoming bruised thanks to the force against the cuffs.

Is she going to die?

This thought haunted me for the past couple hours, my mind regretting chaining myself here so pitifully.

She was right.

My fingers turned into a fist, my eyes slim.

I tug at the chain, my eyes begin to water and blur at the pain.

Only I can kill her.

F*ck, stop it.

This isn't you.

I want her for myself.

I can't hurt her.

But I want to.

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