Chapter 8 "Alone"

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Your eyes flutter open at the feeling of someone shaking you, making you groan.

"Y/n, get up. It's already late." Baekhyun pokes your cheeks making you slap his arm away

"5 more minutes.." I mumble. .. wait. Taehyung!

You open your eyes, sitting up making Baekhyun fall backwards

"Oww, What was that?" Oh crap, think.. think..

"You scared me!" You pout.

"Ugh, you gave me a heart attack.. and maybe a concussion.." he mumbles as he rubs his head.

"Sorry, But why are you here?" You ask, rubbing your eyes.. trying to get straight to the point. Is Taehyung still in there?

"Oh uh, just wanted to see how you were i guess." He laughs.


"No, I came here to see what you were up to last night." He puts on a straight face looking at you.

"Oh, i see." You mutter nodding, as he sits on the bed

"Y/n, you know you can tell me anything, right?" You nod as he looks deeply in your eyes.

"I was just sleeping Baekhyun, Why are you so freaked out?" You lie, but you try to make it seem real. He tilted his head, scanning your face. You just glance away awkwardly.

"Alright, I believe you." He smiles before ruffling your hair.

"Like you should." You pout.

"Whatever. Lunch is in a hour. You better be there." You just nod.

"Bye Y/n." He waves and you wave back. As soon as the door closes you stand up rushing towards the closet. Taking a deep breath before placing your hands on the handles.

You open the door to be suprised by Taehyungs sharp eyes looking right back at you. He looked a little.. irritated.

"Wow, you're still here? I would have thought you would have le-"

"Who was he?" He asked, his deep voice sending chills down your spine.

"Oh, that was my friend.. " You mutter, biting your lip awkwardly.

He simply just nods before laying back down.

"Hey wait, you have to leave before-"

"Mhm." He hums, unenthusiastic.

"Come on Taehyung.." you groan

"5 more minutes.." he mocks you making you annoyed

"Yah! I don't sound like that!"

"I don't sound like that!" He mocks again

"Ugh, Fine. Get caught, not like I care." You grab your clothes and we're about to leave until you hear his voice from behind you.

"Wait, let me leave first." You nod waiting for him to crawl out of the closet, tired.


After sneaking past elites by hiding behind walls, baskets or anything that could possibly hide Taehyung. It was 30 minutes before you finally made it far enough for him to go.

"Taehyung, I think we should.. stop this." You say, nervous. As much as it was thrilling, it's to risky. Way to risky.

"What?" He asks, a little shocked.

"I mean, we both can get in serious trouble. And I mean, why are we even meeting in the first place? It's not like it benefits us.. it's just a risky thing."

"Wow, I can't believe you right now." He growls making you raise your eyebrow

"You seriously think this is nothing but a risk? One that can only hurt you right?" He states furiously

"Taehyung, I didn't mean-"

"No, I get it. I get it! You just don't want to risk getting kicked out of your petty club. Pathetic."

"Excuse me? When did you suddenly get so aggressive. I just don't want us to get hurt." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm leaving now, have a good life with your groupies." He snaps, running away from you. What just happened? I just thought... hmp, fine. He can be that way, you sigh walking back to the dinner hall.

As you walk back, you notice a lot of glares being thrown your way. Making you confused, did I do something wrong..?

You make it to the table that the omega sit at, where you claim your seat. Noticing the glares and whispers from your fellow members.

What's going on?

But only then you notice G-Dragon from up on the table, shooting the most evil, deadly glare. He whispers something to some of the elites and so, they look at me before heading in my direction.

You feel your heart go numb when they finally reach you, their eyes almost looking past you with little empathy.

"What are you-" the sudden rush of pain shoots through your arm as they both grab your arms and pull you up from your seat

"Wait- what are you doing?" You groan when they only tighten your grip on you. They take you to the front where our leader was, throwing you down in front of him surrounded by elites.

Your breath becomes irregular when he clears his throat, preparing to speak. His eyes shine with a reflective glass, not letting any emotion shine through.

"As you may have heard, this omega has become a danger to us, a traitor. She has betrayed our shelter and all our care to see one of our enemies." You hear gasps fill the room along with whispers, how did they find out? How did.. what's going to happen to me?

"This information provided by one of our Prime's. Thank you jaebum." Your eyes become bigger, jaebum?

You look in the crowd seeing Jaebum looking away from your gaze.

"How can you trust a prime?" A sudden elite asks from beside you. Baekhyun..

"Well..." G-Dragon mumbles looking you in your eyes.

"He hasn't done anything to deceive me yet, the real question is. How can you trust a omega?." He smirks at you. Making your eyes become glossy, too scared to say anything. Are they going to kill me?

Baekhyun begins to clench his fist, angry. You look at him shaking your head. "Don't" You whimper

"As she has betrayed us all, she will be sent out of this camp immediately. To live on her own. She's no longer one of us." He tells, you start to shake, terrified.

"Boys, take her away." He yells at the elites as they come for you.

You start to sob, making Baekhyun look at you.

"Don't worry, I'll fix this." He explains holding your face in his hands as they start to take you away.


"Now scram!" The elites yell, as they throw you out of the boundary.

Your head was pounding, your arms in pain from the tight grip they had. Tears still stained your cheeks.

"Are you deaf now? I said scram!" The man yells, making you glance back. They start to walk away proudly, laughing and talking, probably at you.

'What am I gonna do now?"

Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora