(S2) Chapter 1 - A New Era

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It's been 3 months since they debuted.

And it's been a crazy, crazy week for you as well.

It's been almost 6 months since you got back from the island. And you've been trying to get your high school degree. You've been doing lessons for the past few months, at the end of this year you will be able to take tests to graduate.

It's also been a long week without your boyfriend Taehyung who has been busy with his members and your brother- jin. They have been busy practicing their dances and singing, along with rapping.

So both of your boys that you are close to have been away from you for the past few weeks. Of course you and Tae have texted eachother, called a few times but it's not the same of being near him of course.

You bite the top of the pencil as you go over simple algebra, you swear you were getting gray hairs because of the stress.

It was still June, and the test wasn't until December. But can you imagine not having school for 5 years then making you learn everything in only a few months.

It's nearly impossible, but Jin graduated before and your parents have been a great help.

You hear your phone ring and your eyes light up before grabbing it, dropping your pencil onto your white desk with scattered notebooks and papers.

I'm coming over in 5 minutes with Jin

Your eyes widen before feeling your heart beat faster

Their coming over? Now?

You stand up before putting on some decent clothes rather than your old peace sign pajamas, you fix your hair and manage to rush out of your room.

Your parents weren't home during the day, usually they worked day shifts and came home in time for late evening dinner

It was only 3 now.

You look around for some snacks, you always know his favorite things are gummy bears. Which you store in the lowest cabinet in the storage room. Jin never looks there.

You grab a bag of them, You then start to wonder why he's coming over, you knew your house was close to their company and their dorms but he never showed up at this time of day.

You hear the door open from the kitchen, also chatter and laughter could be heard. You peak around the corner seeing the two of them, but you look at Tae.

It was him, his hair blonde, his training clothes on, you can notice the purple lines under his eyes, he looked exhausted, yet his body toned perfectly, his smile showing.

Jin on the other hand, had his hair black, his face the same as Taehyung's, exhausted. His body in better shape than before.

"Y/n~! We're home!" Jin exclaims as Taehyung leans against the back of the couch in the living room. Obviously thinking.

"Hey guys~" you smile, hiding the gummy bears from your brother behind your back as Jin comes over to hug you, you use your free hand to pat his back

"How are you today?" He asks, looking you up and down, "did you go somewhere?" He raises his eyebrow. He knows when you look dressed he assumes you went somewhere.

"No jin, can't I dress up when I want to?" You tease and he simply chuckles.

"I'm going to go shower before I pass out. You two behave, okay?" He states, pulling away from you. Jin uses his fingers and points between the both of you. Tae only rolls his eyes when Jin looks away.

"Yeah yeah, go take a shower before I get the air freshener-" You tease, Jin waves as he walks past you, ignoring your exaggerated gags. Once the sound of the door closing hits your ears Taehyung walks up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hi Love." Taehyung smiles and pecks your nose. Making you blush.

"Hi Tae, What are you guys doing here so early?" You ask, tilting your head.

"We got released early since Yoongi walked out on us." He simply shrugged but you have a different response.

"What? Why did he-"

"He was saying he was passing out, so they decided for us to rest for a few days. But I know that Jimin, Jungkook and hobi are going anyways tomorrow. So for now I'm staying with you before the tour."

Right, yes. The tour...

Did I fail to mention that they were going on a tour next week?

Well yes, they are. And as much as they are still trying to make me go with them you can't, you have to stay back to study for school and attend the tutorials.

They are going to be gone for a few months, and you are going to be here alone with your parents.

And you were so scared.

Without Taehyung the nightmares have been worse, happening more often. And with him gone for a few months... that terrified you. And to not even have Jin around. You were going to be alone.

"I'm sure they are, I know how dedicated they are to dancing. How about you? How's the training going?" You ask as he rests his head on your shoulder, sighing in relief at your relaxing aura.

"It's going fine, I'm not good like my brother but I'm getting there." He says self consciously, but you giggle.

"I'm sure you are doing good, I've seen you dance before, I was impressed at the improvement last week." You explain, your fingers running through his golden hair, it was still soft, and you admired it.

"Mm, are you sure you can't come?" On the tour-

"I can't Tae, I still have to study. I'm sorry, But is any of your friends going?" He's gained a few friends, besides his group members and you, he's been becoming more of a social butterfly since you've been making him go out with you and talk to more people.

Because you don't want him to get bored with you-

Because you want him to be happy

You've told him you were proud of him, you've told him that each time he calls and says he's made a new friend, he was so excited. He would tell you how nervous he was and how he feels lighter with each person he meets.

While you feel heavier.

While you feel proud.

You run circles into his back, feeling his muscles tense under your touch, it was something you admired.

"Mmm." He groans frustrated. He wanted you to go badly, to make it more fun than he knew it was going to be after the shows.

He dreamt of seeing you in the crowd, to impress you. To run backstage and the first thing to see is your glowing expression and praising him. And for him to talk to you after the concert, you always knew how to make him speak, for long periods of time, like a faucet with no stop. Without you saying a word, and you would listen to him, and you being around him gave him confidence.

Now he won't have that.

"I know, you can hate me all you want. But I can't miss these lessons, I have to graduate to go to college next year. I wish I was talented enough to sing and dance like you but I don't." You mutter, he just whines before back away from you slowly, he was pouting.

"But I got you something to make up a fraction of it." His eyes train on you, raising his eyebrow, one side of his lip being tugged upwards.

"Dirty-- here!" You groan at his deep gaze at you, you hold out the gummy bears like it was a sacrifice to save you.

"Oh!" You feel the bag being torn from your hands, he runs to the couch before falling in it and turning on the television.

This was going to be a difficult few months.

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