Chapter 37 "No Longer An Omega"

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I was roaming the streets, my eyes capturing anything that can distract me.

Families in the park, a couple in a cafe, a group of friends going into a bar. Even the simpler things caught my attention. Like patterns on the walls, water flowing down the slanted street. The water flowed smoothly, dead leaves and small wrappers got caught in the current, unwillingly being taken away.

I sit on a bench and place my hands on my cheeks while my elbow rested on my knees. I just watch as life moves by, everything was still growing, moving even when I'm stuck here. And it was like this when we were stuck on the island as well? They just carry on? Like nothing has changed?

I sit there until I hear a car pull up, rolling down its window for me to look inside.

Jimin was in the passenger seat while Jungkook was in the back, both signaling me to come in. I feel my feet move for me walking towards the car.

I go inside the backseat and I'm greeted with two types of people.

"Oh my gosh, I was worried! Why did you run off?"

"You idiot, you could have become lost."

"Hello to you too Jungkook." I glare at him, he only crosses his arms looking at me

"Seriously, what happened?" Jimin changes my attention to him

"I guess I just.. freaked out." I simply put, not wanting to go deeper on the subject

"Well, you shouldn't feel that way, we should celebrate~ you got to see Sohyun right?" Jungkook raises his eyebrow at me

"Mhm." I just hum, leaning my head against the window, watching the streets go by. The two continued chatting and trying to get my attention but I really just wanted time for myself. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. My mind was restless. Restless with worry. I know I should be grateful, that Sohyun and the rest of us are alive and okay. But, the group isn't complete yet. And i won't feel the same until she is here with us.


"You f*cking omega." G-Dragon growls, gripping my shirt tighter. I feel my breath shorten as I feel the spear blade scrape my neck.

I knew I had only one option to get out of this alive. But I was so scared. I never thought I would have to do this. I wasn't ready. But, time is never with me is it?

I grip one of the broken arrow pieces from my pouch. I make sure to grip the one with the point. And I feel myself doing what I never thought I would have to.

Shoot to kill

I use my other free hand to grip the spear the he had against my neck and use all my strength to keep it far enough. Then I use my other arm to swing the tip of the arrow into his neck.

His eyes go dark before me. His face was so close to mine. I could see the life drain out of him as blood gushes down his chest. His body losses all its strength and gives in on itself. I hear him choking on his blood as his hand lets go of me, he falls back into the ground. His body goes limp as his struggle ends

"I'm so sorry." You cry out, tears falling down your cheeks. You crouch down beside him. Looking at his lifeless corpse.

"I'm so so sorry." You sob out. As much as you despised him. The fact that he almost killed you. You couldn't help but to feel.. horrible. But it wasn't just him. It was you.

You had just killed a person.

You always tried to hit people to where they wouldn't die, you never wanted to kill anyone. But you just changed. You weren't an omega anymore.

Your tears were uncontrollable, the fell down your cheeks continuously. You didn't even notice that you were bleeding as well. Where he held the spear to your throat. It left a huge mark across your neck, that was bleeding. But you didn't care.

You stayed there, mourning over the man you had killed. And to your name.


You didn't fee the same anymore. It's been days since you found the blackbox. And since you killed him.

You couldn't understand how others can kill so easily? Like how Baekhyun did, where he almost killed you with no emotion. To you, it felt as if a soul was just weighing on your shoulders no matter what you were doing. You couldn't get the image of his dead body out of your mind. No matter how much you tried.

You had made a camp a little ways from where you found the blackbox. You couldn't be there any longer. You had managed to make a campfire and used broken pieces of arrow to cook the fish you had caught near the shore where you were. Baekhyun and Tao hadn't come back. You figured they had just left. You were angry, but as long as they fix the blackbox was all that mattered to you. But you didn't hear any helicopters yet, to be fair. You couldn't hear anything yet. It was silence all around you. You thought of finding Taehyung. Going back, but at the same time. You didn't know if you could look at him the same. What is he hates you? What if I act differently? Will I just bother him now? What if he just wants to find Sohyun?

You curse at yourself for letting her name enter your mind again. You feel horrible for feeling jealous, but you do. Even if you haven't met her, Taehyung said she was a sweet girl. So I have no right to feel jealous right? That thought was swarming your mind. The way he was praising her, the way he compared her to you before. Even if he said he didn't mean it. At this point, you can't help but to think you were just a replacement for her. Now that he's going to see her again, maybe you should just back away? Your mind was telling you so but at the same time not to. Your mind was messed up.

It was a cycle, you thought of Taehyung, then Sohyun, then continued to think of what you were now. You felt worthless.

But a new sound, a sound out of silence startled you.

It was dawn, and you hear a series of wind sounds. And a loud engine. That can only be one thing.

Holy crap, they actually fixed it!

You stand up, your mind forgetting everything else. The helicopter passed you though, they must have not seen you. You see the speck of a engine move to the other side of the island and see them stop.

They must have found the others. You grab your bow and arrows and a pouch of fish that you had previously cooked before the fire went out. Then you begin to run towards that part of the island.


💜 to the ones who read this.

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