(S2) Chapter 51 - Where

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"What are you talking about? Leaving? Already!? We just got here!" Taehyung's voice rattles, your knees weak at his tone.

"Mingyu called me this morning, he said Baekhyun disappeared, and that I should go."

"And? If you go then what? He will magically appear?" Taehyung snaps in a sharp tone which made you flinch, but you only get frustrated.

"It's better than just abandoning him! If I don't go back then-"

"You are not obligated to go after him every time he chooses to run away." He growls deeply.

"If I don't go after him then who will? Im his best friend."

"Best friend? Do you remember what he's done to you?"

"That was in the past."

"And he is fully capable of doing it again."

"I trust him."

"Thats how he was able to do it before." You scoff.

"I knew you would be against this. Why do I even try!" You turn away from him, walking to the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung follows you, but you ignore him and walk up the stairs.

"Don't ignore me like that." He snaps, gripping your wrist at the top of the stairs. Forcing you to look at him.

"Let go." You try to sound threatening, but it came out pieced together with a whimper.

"I'm not letting you go, not until I know you aren't going to leave me." You whine, pain pricking at your eyes, frustration building up with more emotions in your body. It became harder to breathe with each moment. Taehyung noticed this, and pulled you closer to him.

"I just- I just want to help him." You cry out, shards of glass fell down your cheeks, shimmering from the dim light through the curtains.

"I know, I know you do." He soothes, pulling you into his embrace, his warmth holding you together, your legs become weak, your weight being pushed into your fiance.

He let a few moments pass before he speaks again.

"Hey, how about we go this evening?"

"No, I can go by myself." You try, but he refuses.

"I'm coming with you, no matter what, you can't stop me. But I also don't want to leave the girls behind without saying goodbye. I know you want to go now, but do you think you can wait? For me?" Your teeth grip onto your lower lip, holding in your cries.

You don't answer in words, only nodding.

He gives you a painful smile, before whispering-

"Thank you."


The rest of the day went slow, mostly consisting of you worrying over you escaped friend. The rest was mostly you and Taehyung not speaking to each other at all. So you say silently on the couch on your phone, waiting for mingyu to send you any updates.

Taehyung meanwhile was up in his room, you didn't know why, you just figured he was mad so he was just going to ignore you. Your heart was numb, your body tired.

You wanted to fall into sleep and never wake up. You hated this situation, the fact you had to hurt the one you love most just to try to help someone else that you can't leave alone.

It sucked to say the least.

-SecretAgentMingyu 4:12 PM
There's still not a trace of him yet, they've searched the whole hospital yet nothing.

-SecretAgentMingyu 4:13 PM
I'm sorry

You took a deep shaky breath, before turning off your phone.

Where the hell are you Baekhyun?


The car ride was quiet, the sound of the wind and the engine were heard, along with the occasional chime of the blinker. You wanted to say sorry for making him leave his family, but you just didn't know how. You knew he was disappointed, angry, all of the above.

But you strangely needed to make sure baekhyun was alright.

When you arrived at the hospital, You would think a new world ending disease was released. Police cars lined the entrance, interviewing doctors and nurses for any information that they could manage. Taehyung parked the car as close as he could, then following you closely, careful to not interfere.


Her expression, it hurt. Seeing her so worried, so scared over the same person who hurt her, it pierced my skin, clawing it's way down to my heart. I couldn't understand why..

She led me to the entrance, but police were blocking the way. She bit her lip, before speaking.

"Is detective Mingyu here?" She spoke, but not heard by any of them, only ignoring her as if she was a speck of dust. She spoke once again, they finally look back only to mock her.

"Look, this hospital is off limits at the moment. So go back to where you came from." I clench my fists, before speaking for her, a bit louder.

"We need to see detective Mingyu, is he here?!" They turn their heads, a couple raising their eyebrows and turning their heads back to eachother.

"Aish, who do you think you are?" One snapped.

"I'm Y/n." She spoke clearly, and it's as if a gun shot off all of them begin to bow in apology. Some shoving the man who spoke harshly to her.

"Ah, sorry, we didn't know, um, yeah he's here. Let me go fetch him for you." One with glasses said, before quickly sprinting off into the building.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" I mumble under my breath, causing Y/n to release a little giggle causing me to move my gaze to her playful one.

"What's so funny?"

"You're just cute when you're angry." She smiles innocently, releasing herself of the tense situation. I can't help but to melt into their words, before looking away crossing my arms teasingly.

"I could say the same about you." She rolls her eyes, scoffing.

"Please, I'm a threat."

"Ha, the only threat you are is to my heart."

"Uhum." A sudden cough interrupts us, Caught off guard by the sudden teasing. There stood the tall male mingyu, crossing his arms with a tense glare.

"Y/n, I see you're in a good mood."


Late Chapter again! Yay!

Anywho, I know I asked this on my board but I just wanted to ask here.

What's your favorite/Most anticipated book of mine?

Love you~

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