(S2) Chapter 9 - Old Friends

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You were speechless, to say the least. All of your old friends were now standing in front of you.

All of them looked new, as everyone was wearing normal clothing and actually looked normal. Except no, they were not normal. They looked different from what you remembered, their faces still and unmoving.

Baekhyun, Rose, Tao And Jaebum.

They were standing in front of you. As you were laying under them.

"Y/n?" Baekhyun was the first to speak, his voice like a melody you haven't heard in years. You just swallowed your saliva and opened your mouth to speak.

"Wh- what are you guys all doing here?" You asked, you couldn't believe it, you felt as if your mind were playing cruel tricks on you, as your nightmares were becoming real.

"We live here? Why are you.. here?" Rose pointed to you on the ground, you remember the state you're in and immediately stand up.

"I'm actually amazed we found you." Tao smirks, no longer having his arm in a sling, it gave you relief. But his smirk gave you shivers.

"Wait, you were looking for me?" You ask, baffled.

"Close your mouth, honey. You'll swallow a fly." Tao teased. Yep, it's really Tao.

"We have been looking for you the past months, we were wondering if you were okay. We were told you were found but we weren't allowed to see you due to special request." Rose cringed.

Right, they haven't seen you since the island.

"What do you mean? Special request?" You ask, picking up a bag of yours as Jaebum helps you.

"I'm guessing your boyfriend or brother told the police were weren't allowed to see you. So we had to find you the difficult way." Tao whines.

You bite your lip, They told the police they weren't allowed to see you? Why did they do that? I wanted to see them-

"But now that we found you, why don't you come visit us? You know, like a reunion. A really s*itty reunion?" Rose asked.

"Do you guys live all together?" You ask, suddenly falling victim to their conversation.

"Yeah actually, either our family didn't want us or we didn't have a family to go to. So we decided to move in to a small apartment downtown. It's crowded but it works." Baekhyun spoke darkly.

It sparked a flame in your mind, they don't have families? It hit you like a train through your heart. It affected you more than you thought it would.

"So~ will you come?" Jaebum asks.

Each and every one of these people hurt you in a way.

Baekhyun almost killed you, Tao was leading the group sent to kill you and bangtan. Jaebum told.. G-Dragon of your betrayal to the group. And Rose.. she didn't actually betray you, she actually helped you a lot when she was close.

The island is a different world, so I shouldn't judge them to much of back then right? I should give them a chance.

"Come on honey, we don't bite, that hard." Tae adds, wrapping his once injured should around you.

And in ways you hurt them too.

"Okay." Was all you say and rose and Tao cheer as Baekhyun gives you a small smile and Jaebum just helps pick up the bags you dropped.

"You have a phone? I can send you our address." Rose asks and you give her your phone number, she smiles.

"We all share this phone. So don't think it's just me you're going to text, or if i supposedly text you that it's actually me. The boys like to trick people." She points to specifically Tao. You smile and turn back to your bags.

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