chapter 27

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Lily read through the newest daily profit. voldemort was as always getting stronger and they didn't know how to stop him. she often thought about obliviating herself from her parents life but it wouldn't work as there were so many people she'd have to do it too. it might be a good idea to move out. April was looking for an apartment maybe they could get one together.

two weeks ago Halle had lost her parents, she couldn't imagine that pain. April who knew what that felt like was with her at the moment and today herself, Alice and em were going to potter mansion to help clear their things. they'd be there for the rest of the holidays and April said she'd brought some potion to turn them into animagi.

"mum. dad. I'm leaving" Lily yelled from the hall. her mother quickly ran to her.

"Oh baby girl I'll miss you. let us know about anything." her mum said kissing her cheek.

"I will mum, I'll miss you. but I'll see you soon enough" she said.

"we'll be there to meet you" her dad said behind the girls.

"good. I'll be happy to see you. I'm staying for Christmas so you don't need to come then." she told them before walking out the door. she looked up at the house knowing very well it could be the last time she saw it. she turned to see em, Alice and Alice's mum in a car. she got in.

they soon arrived at the potter's, it looked so lonely. the three girls braced themselves before walking up to the house. there were boxes and bin bags every where. Halle came running to the girls, April close behind, and hugged them.

they had finished boxing the things belonging to their parents and now the girls were sat in the kitchen while the boys were in James's room. they were drinking fire whiskey but Halle didn't seem as depressed as April was. it could have been because April bottles things up where Halle doesn't or because April saw her mum die where Halle didn't. Lily didn't know.

it had been a week now. people often stopped by to offer condolences no matter how close they were to the potter's. the funeral was 5 days ago. and they were now all animagi.

Lily was a hazel coloured doe with her green eyes, which the girls wouldn't stop teasing her about considering James was a stag. she had a triangle on her chest where her necklace would be. she'd been named hazel because of her fur.

Halle was a sleek black pony with her hazel eyes. she had her triangle from the necklace on her nose it was a chocolate brown colour. she was called flow because of the way her mane flowed down her back.

em was a white wolf with her warm chocolate brown eyes and with a black ear which looked slightly odd but cute. she had been named Luna because wolves howl at the moon.

Alice was a golden eagle with her blue eyes. she had a tuft of black on her head shapped like a flower. she was called breeze because she flys in the breeze.

and April was already one. a red dog with her amber eyes. she also had a black love heart on her chest. and obviously she was called flicker because her fur lit up like flames.

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