chapter 10

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it was the day to got to hogsmeed all the girls were up early and helping Alice and Lily get ready for their dates. it was warm outside the May Sun warming everything. the girls decided on matching outfits. they all wore shorts and crop tops along with cardigans and converse (I know they weren't around then just go with it)

they all walked into the entrance to see Lucas and Frank waiting along with the marauders. James's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw Lily, but it dropped when he saw her go to Lucas. Alice quite literally bounded over to Frank and they were both blushing and grinning like idiots. it was a surprise when they saw em and Remus walk up to each other and then April walk up to Toby Johnson a fellow Gryffindor. it was time for sirius's face to drop.

Halle walked up to James, Sirius and Peter. "looks like its just us then boys" Halle said and they all nodded sadly.

"who'd of known our little Remus is growing up. I didn't know he had the balls to ask her out" Sirius said trying to forget about the fact that April had gone off with someone that isn't him.

"I didn't know em and April had got dates." Halle told them.

"Remus didn't tell us about his date" James said.

"maybe he thought you would tease him" Peter said, speaking his mind for a change. "I mean last time he got a date you teased him so much he locked himself in the shrieking shack and he cancelled his date" James and Sirius looked at him in shock.

"sometimes I wonder how you have friends, and how Peter and Remus put up with you" Halle said shaking her head. the boys just shrugged and walked into zonkos.

Lily and Lucas:

Lily walked uncomfortably by Lucas while he strutted next to her. he put his arm around her shoulder as he led her into Madame pudifoots, a coffee shop that couples usually went into.

they sat at a table and ordered something. Lucas kept leaning into kiss her so she'd turn her head and change the topic of the conversation.

"so this is nice" Lily said.

"yeah it is." Lucas said as he lent into kiss her.

"one second I need the toilet I'll be right back" Lily said hurrying off to calm down. she didn't like all this trying to kiss her business.

when she came out she saw Lucas kissing, or should she say snogging Bethany Wright a hufflepuff in the year below. she grabbed her mug of now cold coffee and poured it all over the two before rushing back to the castle.

April and Toby:

April smiled at Toby as they sat in the three broom sticks with some butter beer. out of the corner of her eye she saw Halle, James, Sirius and Peter watching the date intently. she shot them glares and they pretended they weren't looking.

Toby seemed slightly distracted and spaced out so April took this as the perfect opportunity to approach Halle. "one second Toby I just need to do something." April said as she got up and walked over to the group.

"Oh hi April" Halle said awkwardly.

"don't oh hi April me, what the bloody hell are you doing watching me. why don't you go watch Lily she's the one with a player" April hissed before walking off. Toby was having a conversation with two slytherins.

"look just pay me now, I've taken the girl out and I'll brake her heart in a moment." Toby said.

"no you have to go all the way" one slytherin said.

"well getting her into bed should be easy" Toby said.

"YOU THINK I'M EASY. GETTING ME INTO BED, MONEY. SO YOU ONLY ASKED ME OUT BECAUSE YOU WERE GETTING PAID. THEN YOU SAY THAT YOUR GOING TO GET ME INTO BED. I'D RATHER GO OUT WITH BLACK THAN YOU AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT" April screamed drawing attention to her. she threw the butter beer on him before storming off up to the castle.

Alice and Frank:

the two shyly held hands around hogsmeed smiling at each other. they walked to the area outside where the shrieking shack was. there was a picnic blanket set up there and the two Sat down together.

there was butter beer, sandwiches, food prepared by the elves and hunnydukes chocolate. After eating Alice curled into Frank and he put his arm round her. she looked up at him and saw there faces were only inches apart. Alice slowly closed the gap in between them. it was short but sweet and left them grinning like Cheshire cats. Frank led Alice to the Gryffindor common room even though they'd already walked past his common room.

"thank you for today. it was lovely" Alice said softly.

"thank you for showing up" Frank said kissing her once more before leaving her. this left Alice in a dreamy state and she slid down the wall. when Halle passed with three boys behind her she dragged the brunette into their dorm to tell her everything.

emille and Remus:

emille and Remus walked up the stairs to the castle after having a lovely quiet day. they spent it walking around the shops and spending their time in a small field behind hogsmeed. Remus had told her about his little problem as he had full trust in her and she guessed about April helping him some how.

they'd had a great day and they left it on something they would never quite forget. "thanks for today" em said quietly.

Remus brushed his hand along her jaw before gently bringing his face up to meet hers. the kiss didn't last long but it showed love and that was all that mattered. they smiled shyly at each other.

"maybe we could do that again sometime" Remus said softly.

"which one the date or the kiss?" em joked.

"both" Remus said looking into her eyes.

"I'd love too." em said kissing his cheek before running towards the common room and her dorm where she knew her friends would be waiting.

in the dorm:

"so how'd everyone's dates go" em asked as she walked in to see a April with a bottle of fire whiskey and tears running down her face, a furious Lily, a dreamy looking Alice and a confused Halle.

"I caught my date snogging another girl while I went to the toilet" Lily said her voice quivering with anger.

"Oh dear. what did you do this time?" em asked.

"threw a mug of cold coffee over him and the girl" Lily said with her head in her hands.

"me and Frank kissed." Alice said in a dreamy voice.

"awww, what did you do for your date?" Halle asked.

"he set out a picnic for me. what about you em?" Alice said.

"me and Remus walked round the shops and then sat out in a field." em said. "then he kissed me and told me he'd like to do that again sometime, not just the kiss but both the kiss and the date"

"right Halle I believe you lost the bet now hand over the ten gallons" Alice said.

"lost what bet" Lily asked.

"Alice bet that Remus likes emille. even though I thought it was true I went for the other one because what's fun about a bet that your both just gonna win your money back from." Halle told her while handing Alice the money.

"what about you April?" Alice asked sympathetically.

"he was going out with me for a dare then he was going to get me into bed to get money. I mean am I that easy? repulsive? ugly?" April sobbed out.

"no. course not. if you were do you think that Sirius would like you?" Halle asked.

"Sirius doesn't actually like me. he's in it for the game and the challenge. he goes around snogging girls like there's no tomorrow. he's a player it's what they do" April said.

"he does all that stuff to make you jealous" Halle said.

"Oh please he's not capable of love. as if anyone could like me." April cried before locking herself in the bathroom. the other girls sighed and went to bed. they'd have to talk to her tomorrow instead.

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