chapter 3

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April left the hospital wing. em was getting much better but she had to go help Remus now. she ran down to the whomping willow, hearing his shrieks of pain turn into howling she transformed, hit the Knott and went down the tunnel.

tonight the werewolf seemed quite subdued and didn't play up to much apart from chewing her arm. though the razor blades werewolves call teeth it tore through her arm. she eventually passed out due to the pain.

meanwhile Lily and Halle sat it their dorm talking with Alice Jones. a fellow Gryffindor and dorm mate. they'd never really talked to her before because they'd never had a chance. the maurettes had just instantly clicked and become friends were Alice had become friends with two girls one in their year on in the year above. they were sister's and had transferred to beaubaxtons. Alice was really nice and in one night they had become firm friends.

em was woke by Madame pomfrey. she'd been screaming again. she wished these dreams would stop. it's like someone was purposely planting them in her head. to make her suffer. but why her?

the healer forced some dreamless sleep potion down her throat before she faded into the darkness. but not for long again she was shaken awake. Madame pomfrey was worried that the potion didn't work but decided to talk to Dumbledore tomorrow. meanwhile emille stayed awake, knees tucked into her. she wad to scared to sleep.


“bloody hell you too look awful." Sirius said as em and April joined them at the table. both girls had just come out of the hospital wing.

"you make me feel so good about myself." April said sarcastically as she sat down.

"April what happened. I thought you went to see your dad?" Halle asked.

"fell down a hill." April said.

"fell down a hill?" James asked.

"that's what I said" April said. she wasn't eating as she normally would and she kept wincing every time she moved the one arm in a sling.

"how." Peter squeaked.

"just did." she replied simply before getting up and walking off. Lily got up and the girls including Alice followed.


in the evening the girls put two mattresses in the middle of the room. they had muggle sweets and popcorn along with butter beer. em also brought out a bottle of fire whiskey and they all gathered on the mattresses in their pyjamas.

"Alice truth or dare." Halle asked wanting to get to know the new girl

"truth?" Alice said feeling a little nervous of what they would ask of her.

"who do you have a crush on?" em said quickly getting personal.

"Frank longbottom." she mumbled going as red as a tomato and taking a big swig of fire whiskey.

"okay. interesting. Halle truth or dare." April asked.


"tomorrow in class you have to fall in the middle of the class acting as though are possessed and talk about a profecy you are seeing." April said, tipsy on the fire whiskey that she just finished off.

"which class?" Halle asked pulling another bottle of fire whiskey out that April opened and took a large swig.

"mcgonagal" April said taking another swig.

"she's our drunk." em whispered to Alice causing them to giggle.

"okay, April truth or dare." Lily asked


"how did your arm really get like that." Halle said. April visibly paled and Lily squirmed nervously being the only one who knew the truth.

"fell down a hill after tripping and my arm crashed into the trunk of a tree." April said lying with a straight face.

"okay. Lily truth or dare." em asked

"dare" she replied shocking people.

"I dare you too kiss James potter!" April said

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