Two body

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Unknowns pov,

   You may not know me. But I know you all. I have watched you have fun and play all day but you have to take care and be ready. Danger is coming. I honestly feel scared. They do t know what's HAPPENING! Oh! Hi my name is Eliza Leason and I'm in the body of.....
Tenshi Wannabe. You read it right the TENSHI WANNABE! THE HEROINE!THE ROYAL CHEATER! But that's not the problem. The problem is HOW THE POTATO CHIPS AM I GETTING OUT OF THIS BODY! At first I was ecstatic but then as days past something or someone keeps on whispering into my ears driving me to insanity.

After years of torture this body was taken over by this girl. I pity her, her actions are controlled by the system. Everyday I watch as she cry alone, the system controlled her every move. When she wanted to become friends with them the system take over leading it to a bad impression. Every dailoge every mind words she said are controlled by the system. Angel Fekes is innocent! She didn't do anything! The way she died! It was fake! How she act?it was the system!

This girl has been suffering for whole 5 years and now she is suffering again in the hands of the others. I wish they would help her! The system is starting up! They have to do something or else the whole world, this parallel universe will be taken over by the System.

I'll explain everything. This world was once controlled by the system. Everything here follows the same move every single time. From their birth to death they repeat the cycle over and over again. Nobody can break free and nobody can escape. Until one day an anomaly was found. A soul was transferred to a body and he destroyed the code,ruining everything so every body can be free. It was a tough battle it lasted for 6 years with no rest!

The system before watched everything with keen and sharp eyes but now system meet it's match a highly intelligent human came here! Destroying every piece of chains dragging all characters down. The battle wasn't physically but mentally. Computers,letters,numbers,equations and nothing was spared as the two battle in minds.

The human was easily winning until...a traitor was found, the traitor destroyed every piece of weapon except one the Z virus. Before your say anything no! It's not a zombie virus! Z virus is create by the human a virus that if you released on the main frame of a technological high powered computer it will slowly destroy every piece of coding.

The Virus was hidden inside an engagement ring. The ring is a solid diamond one with sliver-blue band. It was said the his husband gave it to him! The ring was specially modified by the man and with just pressing the Ring to the system's main frame the system's code was destroyed and all players are free to act as they will.

The Virus was severely guarded by the royal family that no one has been able to seen it for the past 10 decades. Nobody knows were the Ring is but the royal family. Legend has it that the Ring was an engagement ring for every next queen given by the king.

My limited access to the main plot is driving me crazy and those guys didn't move yet! I need to send a message but how?....Oh that's right I can...

Third persons Pov,

"Hmmm? What do you mean it's working again!" A male with long white hair exclaimed as his cold eyes narrowed. " as I said brother~ the system 00023 also known as D.A.I is on the move "A woman looking like the man said as the male sigh. Removing his glasses off he stood up and look at the 11 incubators holding 11 bodies.

" how about project Z? Did they find it yet?" The male asked again softly this time as he smoothen up his green garments "Its still on the move and is helping the kids on their journey,though a girl is currently sharing her body to another one~ this may cause some tendencies " the woman said as she sigh. " let her be~ Agent Eliza even without her memory could figure this out " the male said as he grab a book and started reading it.

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