Special Omake!!!!! When the boys get sick!!!!

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(A/N-sorry for the late update!!!! There's a storm here in the Philippines and they cut the Electricity and connection so please bear with me!!! Anyways this chapter is dedicated to @MonoPanPan!!!!!!!! And also every time that a question is posted on my chapters be sure to answer cause the lucky one got to choose the next chapter!! Weather it be an Omake or the next chapter!! Like for example this!! And also the previous one titled AGAIN!!!  Anyways on with the story!)

Third Persons POV

"Hime~cuddle with me~" Kazuto said as he chase Shizuka around the mansion. "Miyo-chan~dont ignore me~" the same could be said towards Mikoto/Shiro as he wrap himself around Miyo's foot literally making her drag him around the hallway. ".............. " and for Akashi well let's just say that Marie had total control over him~

Honestly the boys as you see are sick and the girls...... Let's just get on with this! *flops on the couch and eats popcorn*

Shizuka's Pov

    How can this happen! One time we are eating the next he's getting all cudly seriously!! Is he okay?

"Hime~ nooooooo don't leave me as you can imagine I'm trying to go home but Kazuto (who is stuck on my foot) won't let go so I literally dragged him from his room upstairs to the front door and don't even question about how............. just don't

"Kazuto-kun I must go! Its already 5 in the afternoon!" J tried to reason out but was stab by an arrow to the heart by Kazuto's cute puppy dog eyes

"Pweaseeeee~ stay here and be with me Nope nope nope must resist and I totally give in. Sigh how can this guy be so cute? I fish out my phone from my pocket and speeddialled my mother.

After a few rings she decided to pick up. Finally

"Hello?" After a few minutes she finally answered.

"Mom? Oh right! I won't be able to come home today?" I said as I waited for her reply and in a flash she started foreign questions

"Why darling!? Is something wrong?" She asked continuesly as I stop her emidiately from thinking to much. You see my mother have a very........ imaginative imagination. One time that I came home late she literally send and entire police force to find me thinking the I'm kidnapped but still I love my mom and also dad.

"No mom I-it's just that Kazuto is sick and I have to take care of him?" I reasoned out which came out more like a question but anyways lets continue.

"Okay fine~ don't worry about your father ill take care of him soooo have fun " it was silent until mother quickly said that and it seems like she is more than happy other than worried but nag I just shrugged it off and looked down to see Kazuto still hanging on my tight for dear life "all right ill stay but you promise to behave okay?" I asked him steely like a mother to her child as Kazuto just nodded and quickly carried me........................ bridal style?

"W-wait!! Kazuto-kun!? You must put me down!!" I screamed as J trash around his arm he only looked at me softly before turning around and jumping up to the very top of the grand stairs. Oh I forgot Kazuto is not a human so sickness won't even touch him......which means he!!

"You trick me!! That's not fair

"Life isn't fair either darling~ so you just gotta suck it up and lets go"

Miyo's Pov

  I hate life. That's the first thing I thought as I saw a drowsy Mikoto walking towards me looking like a dead zombie "Mikoto-kun!?" I asked quite shock when he suddenly limo his head on my chest nuzzleling my boobs (A/N- Sorry I can't relate I'm NBSB (No boobs since birth) 😭😭😭😭😭) I was so embarrass that my head started puffing out smoke "ahh! Mikoto-kun! Stop I protested as he kept on nuzzleling his head to my boobs "But Miyo-chun they're very comfortble~" he said and suddenly dose off.

We were at his house and unlucky wnough some maids and butlers are scurrying around.

"Oh my~ what a cute couple

"I wish I'm still young like them

"Ahhh the old days~"

"I know! Puberty hits like a b**ch!"

"How cute"

I hate this! Because of embarrassment  I quickly called on butler Kai as he carried Mikoto to his room and laid him on the bed. He quickly change him fast! Too fast that I was standing here amazed. Anyways after changing him Mikoto was left on my care.

"Mikoto-kun! Don't be a child and drink your medicine already!" I beg as I am trying to shove a pill on his mouth "Nooooooooo~ I don't wanna it's to bitter" he  whined like a child and went back to the covers.

"Mikoto-kun if you drink this I'll do whatever you want!" I promised that seem to caught his interest. If I know what's running on his mind right now I would have never said that "Really?" He asked hope feeling his voice "Really" I answered eagerly which I soon regret as I heard his demand

"Then~ feed me with your mouth

Marie's Pov,

    Carting for a sick people is easy~ just a piece of cake. Which 10000000% not true! Taking care of someone sick is the worst especially Akashi!! He wouldn't even talk to me! He suddenly turned called and distant. Sigh apparently he turned like this weather he is sick or in a bad mood which rarely happens as he always smiles.

Akashi would always demand something and needing it with the word brat and calling himself and Emperor!! "Slashing! Stop your whining and eat this!" I screamed as I run around chasing after a red head on his pajama "How dare you order me brat!! I the might emperor shall not head any of your word-" and before he can say another word I shove the spoon on his mouth that is filled with liquid medicine.

He swallowed the medicine and started coughing "how-cough-dare you!-cough- " and before he can close his mouth again I shoved the water letting him drink it

Taking care of the sick is 1000000000% not EASY!!


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