New Student= New Headache

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(A/N- GUYS!!!!! sorry for tge late update QAQ!! Levi is the one to blam-

Levi- what did i do you brat!?

Me: You stop me from editting!!

Levi: As i said what did I do??

Me: You cleaned my Room for 10 hours!!!!!!!!

Levi: I cant take it!!! Your ROOM is like a dumpsite!! *nag nag*

Me: *cowers through the piles of garbage* this are not garbages its mah treasures!!!!

Levi- You call that treasueres!!! *points at my stuff* ALL I CAN SEE ARE YAOI'S AND MANY MORE!!!!!

Me: *cowers and sniffle then grabs Eris and throws her out the window*

Levi: *jumps out and tries to catch her*

A random person: *catches her and runs away*

Levi: OI!!!! GIVE HER BACK!!! *chases him out the room*


Third person's pov

After saying they're own introduction  Miyo quickly arrange them to make a 2 lines. One for girls and one for boys where the girls have to balance a water bottle in theyre head while walking around not to mention they are wearing heels while the boys balance a book in theyre head.

"Okay! As you all know to become a lady and gentlemen you always and always will have to remember to walk with poise and glamoure. With confidense and stregnth to face all challenges infront of you!"

Miyo said more like exclaim while everybody agreed except for a certain someone who finds it hard to stand properly in heals and with a bottle in her head.

Everybody quickly went to line up on theyre designated place.

"Okay! One. Two. One. Two-Wanabe-san please stand up properly!"

Miyo exclaimed when she saw the girl walking like a duck. With her legs wide apart and bowed slightly. She could be mistaken as a lunatic.

"Wanabe-san! Please straighten your back!!"

"Wanabe-san keep your legs together!! Dont walk like a dolphine!!"

"Wanabe-san! Keep your hands to your side- NO DONT FLING IT AROUND!!"

"Wanabe-san!! Stop! Dont ru-"

Miyo was too late to warn her not to run because while she is running she accidentally slip making the girls infront of her to fall like dominos.

Miyo quickly helped them to stands with the help of the boys while the others talked to Wanabe.

"Weren't you listening to Kushina-sama?!?!"

"That hurt you know!!"

"Why were you running in the first place!?!?"

"Can't you just walk properly!?!"

"How dare you embaress us infront of Kushina-sama!!"

Rants after Rants were heard as they complain to the girl (Tenshi) while she bowed at them furiously and embaresly.

This continued for a minute before they heard a clap signalling them to stop.

"Now Now Im sure Wanabe-san didnt intend to do that but please.... Next time do not run you could have hurt somebody or yourselve"

After Miyo explained to them that it was an accident the bell rang signalling that the class has ended. Quickly all the students stand up and made way for Miyo to walk in. When she is out of the room the remaining students quickly gathered around Tenshi and critisize her.

"You should know your place!!"

"That's right!! Didnt you know its embaresing for a lady to fall pathetically!!"

"And to add that it hurts!!"

"I even fell infront of Kushina-sama!! Don't you know how embaress I was!!"

"Ohh poor you to fall pathetically infront of Kushina-sama! There there~"

"You should learn your place Wanabe-san!!"

And after that they turn theyre backs on Tenshi and walk away. Leaving the poor girl (not)  in the ground scheming her plans to change her status and revenge.

"Arggghggg what kind of school is this!?!? Why wont anybody pity and adore me!!!!! Im the great Tenshi Wanabe!! Im supposed to be the center of attraction not those bimbose!!! Im supposed to be surrounded by men and protect me not them!!!! Arghhhh this is all those girls fault!!!!"

As she was screaming she didnt saw a student who heard her and coincidentally this student is related to Kushina Miyo making her(tenshi) dig out her own grave.

-Next Class!!-

After theyre break time the students went to the Western Buillding along with Tenshi to theyre next class which is self-defence.

"Okay class in today's tutorial a Member of Lèa Majèstë is going to teach you but remember to treat HIM with respect!!" The teacher exclaim making everybody giddy because another Member of Lèa Majèstë is teaching them and a boy to be precise.

"Okay! Quiet down and lets welcome him....
Kurogami Mikoto Shiro-sama please come in"

The double doors at the back of the class opened and a men wiyh black uniform with his cape flowing behind him made him stand out.

"Goodmorning Ladies and Gentlemen I hope your prepared.."

After saying that the class started shouting (mostly the girls) making him chuckle!

"Kurogami-sama your so lovely!!"

"Marry me sempai!!"

"No me!!"

"No way he'll marry me!!"

"Absolutely not He will marry me!!!"

"Okay girls calm down! Unfortunately I already have a person who I cherished so..... But still thank you!" Shiro said and bowed making the class quiet but then errupted into claps except Tenshi who is busy checking him out.

'Hmmmm I like him ill.make him MINE!' Tenshi said inside her. Not realising she is making a wierd facial expression those beside and behind her move away far from her.

"Ehem..... Anyways lets move on to the class. As the future Heir/Heiress it is only common for us to face danger especially when we are alone. That is why our parents hire some guards to protect us. But still we cannot just trust it to them to protect us evrytime we go out so the school establish this class to help us learn the basics of self defence now without further adou please look at your seatmate he/she will be your partner for the whole session!!"

All of them rejoices except one student who is partnered to Tenshi.

"H-hello Im T-Tenshi W-wanabe!!" she shouted and bowed to the girl who is her partner making all of them look at the girl who was partner by tenshi.

"Gokigen yoh Wanabe-san Im Misahara Yukino. Glad to be your accuaintants" at the last sentence you can hear her sarcastic remarks.

"ahhhh Yukino-chan soo pitiful"

"I know right! To be partnered with a girl like her"

"We will wish for your soul Yukino-chan"

"Oi~ she aint going to die!"


Before things get out of hand Shiro quickly caught theyre attentions.

"So lets start?"

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