Reality:Welcome to the real world

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Shizuka's Pov,

My whole life flashed before my eyes as I closed them in fear. Why didn't I learn self defence in the first place!? I screamed in my head waiting for my death that strangely enough is taking to long. "Oh no you don't" an unfamiliar voice of a woman exclaimed as someone carried me or that's what I feel. "Come on Shizuka open your eyes" the gentle yet cold voice said as I did what it told me and came face to face with a beautiful woman with greyish black hair and mesmerising violet eyes.

"Dianah let's go" another voice said as I turned around and saw a man who looks like the male version of the woman holding me. "Dad!?" I heard Kazuto exclaimed as I turned around and saw him staring at the handsome man. "Oh? Hello son-F*ck!!" He exclaimed and shoot one of the robots that was targeting kazuto. "Okay Dianah send them home! Now!" The man ordered as the lady smiled a brought out a button and pressed it. Suddenly my whole body along with the others glowed in a greenish light and I lost consciousness.


Opening my eyes memories begun to ejaculate on my head! "Mommy she's awake!!" A little girls voice exclaimed as I sit up feeling cold and...wet? Looking around I notice that my body is covered in a blue goo and that I'm laying in an incubator now opened. "Shizuka?" Kazuto's familiar voice echoed as I turn around and saw my Kazuto but with violet eyes! "Shizuka!" He exclaimed as he run into me hugging me dearly as if id dissapere. "Kazuto!? What's happening? I...I thought we Died?" I asked as Kazuto chuckled. "No... apparently our parents decided that in order to protect us they have to send us into the virtual world to preserve our bodies and health because of a terrible accident. But sadly the System caught wind of our situation and killed out virtual bodied and trapped us in his/her game as prisoners and to swrach our brains on ways to suck more souls and become real" Kazuto explain ed as I process all the information.

"So your saying...we've been living in a lie? All out families and friends in our past world we're all lies!?" I exclaimed as tears poured my eyes. "NO! The people on that virtual world are designed as our parents in the real world! To not let us forget-"

"But I didn't have any parents back then?" I asked confused as Kazuto stared at me in confusion. "That's because your father created the system" the familiar cold voice exclaimed coldly as I froze. "Dad? (M/N)!?" Kazuto exclaimed shoked as he gaze into the two handsome males. "Your father Aoikaru Hayame designed System to be a soul eating machine to keep your mother Luciana Hayame who he is obsess at alive, even sacrificing you until Luciana saved you and brought you here dying along the way" (M/N) said since I know that the other is Kazuto's Dad, and he basically shouted the other man's name.

"Wait! I... I don't understand" I said even though I truly am aware but can't accept it. "It's alright, no one named you in fact we are grateful to you, because of your existence in the game we were able to slow System down for a bit and secure our 2 key holders. System must have the memories your mother have and decided not to touch you but for the others she didn't care" Kazuto's Dad said as he walked towards another incubator holding a beautiful man with blonde hair and delicate body.

"By the way, this is your uncle Lance Smith, he and your aunt Sandelly Smith were the once who proposed and normally created this idea of protecting you kids since they love all of you so much" Kazuto's father said as he held the glass containing the beautiful male. Kazuto looked down as I held his hands and smiled softly at him. "U-uncle! I-i  wanna help on saving my benefactors!" I suddenly declared shocking everyone in the room. "Are you sure!? This is a serious case Mitsuki (Shizuka's real name) if you miscalculated it will be the end" uncle (M/N) said as he held my hand softly as I gaze onto his piercing (e/c) eyes that held worry.

"I'm sure and beside!-" I was cut of by the door opening. "She isn't alone" another voice came in and out came my friends! "She have us" Miyo who now look differently but I know it's her said as she walked towards me with Shiro beside him. "We will help her" Marie and Akashi said at the same time as they to moved forward. "We know it's not a battle we can win easily" Alexander-nii said as he held Haru's hands "But with our help w-we can do it!" Gary exclaimed as Celestia and Calder nod "yeah c'mon teach! You trained us for this!" Arthur said as Luna nod beside him. Jeferson and Alfred stayed in their room since Jefferson's I hurt was not something to laugh at.

I smiled as someone held my hand, turning around I saw Kazuto as he smiled at me and I return the smile. We all turned quiet when a sigh came to our ears. "Fine, but first we have to train you guys not to fall into easily" Kazuto's Dad said as we all cheered and (M/N)-nii highfived me. "You really are like your mother" (M/N)-nii said as I nod and smiled wondering how would it feel if mother didn't die and how would it feel if we all lived a normal life.

Third Person's pov,  

As the group celebrated they didn't notice a green light in the shadowns videoing them and everything they do until. BANG! a soft bang was heard destroying the hidden camera. "Sigh~ this guys have to be more careful" the man said and turned back not before stepping on the robot destroying it completely.

The Reincarnated Ojou-sama!?!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora