Welcome!! and let the Class begin!!

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(those are the normal uniforms)

Third person's pov

    All the students of Midoriya High are excited. I mean who the hell not when they got to see the Lèa Majèstë!!! And not to mention they got to wear such a cute uniform!!!

  All the student got out of theyre limosins and head to the gate to see the board on where they will see what section they are in. Most of them wish to be put on Class A because thats the class where mostly the Majèstiës attend.
  While everybody was busy looking at the boared they we're snap to reality when a girl was ridding a bycicle was seen heading to the school wearing theyre uniform in an improper way. Some of her hair are sticking up like a bird nest. Making all of them shock  cause why the hell not!! Its not everyday they get to see a commoner and a dirty one to add it.

  Sensing that everybody was looking at her she step out of her bike and smile to them while waving her hand unlady-like making them all crunch theyre nose in disgust.

"H-hello Im Tenshi Wanabe its nice to meet you?" by the time that she is finish all of them ignor her like she is invisible. 'Huh? What's the matter? Why are they ignoring me?' Tenshi (akuma) ask herself and frowns. I mean all her life she was the center of attention thus making her attention seaker and a B-+ch.

She was snap out of her thingking state and the disgusted look into the others eyes vanish when they saw a expensive looking limosine and a red carpet was layed on the way as the students quickly went out of the way except for the oblivious (idiotic) Heroine. But no one paid attention to her as a butler came down of the limosine and opened the door"

"Young Mistresses and Young Masters we had arrive" he said and bowed making the crowd go crazy.

"kyahhhhhh Kurogami-sama ohayo!!"

"Kushina -sama!!! Your pretty as usual!!!"

"kyahhhhh Miyabi-sama!!! Notice me sempai!!"

"Mikazuki-sama I love you!!!! But please marry Miyabi-sama!!"

As the cheering continue four students came out dressed in different uniform. (the picture below)

As they walked elegantly at the carpet the cheering grew louder and louder but they seem to not mind because the even smiled and waved at them except for a boy ofcourse who had his arm wraped around a beautiful white haired girl.

"kyahhhhhhhhh Kurogami-sama please notice me!!!!"

"No!!! Notice ME sempai!!"

"Kushina-sama!! Please accept this gift!!"

"No please accept mine Kushina-sama!!!"

"Miyabi-sama your looking as fine as ever!!"

"Miyabi -sama please look at me!!"

"Mikazuki-sama please notice me sempai!!!"

"I love you Mikazuki-sama!!!!"

Tenshi was dumb founded at the popularity and grew jealouse at the girls beauty. She was busy in her own world when she didn't notice the group was at her front and everybodies eyes wjere on her basically glaring at her.

"Neh! Who is that?" a student ask and points her finger at Tenshi then suddenly a loud whispers were heard through out.

"What is she doing? doesn't she know that thats againt school rules?"

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