let's talk

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Okay so one been searching on the Facebook and lately all I have seen are....DREPRESSION  when I search the most reasons why teenagers die I saw SUICIDE. I mean I'm not here to judge or anything and if you take offence please IM VERY SORRY I'm just going to say MY opinion on this matter.

Lately around my school I have noticed a few students living alone and just being alone...I know I'm an emo but hell I ain't depressed. As I took in their rational response I fear for their future. Depression isn't always the answer especially suicide! Because I know those students that I saw have been cutting themselves! I'm not into that much of depression but I also feel it.

SO HERE'S what I do WHEN I'm depress and maybe you can try it to.

1: Cry...keeping your emotions to yourself isn't healthy. Sometimes the best thing to do in facing this problem is to cry your heart out and try to recover from it learn from your downfalls to create barrier to strengthen yourself!

2: don't let depression hinder you. Talk to your friends,families or even animals about it. Sometimes were depress because we always though were alone...all alone. But you may never know that your friends,families,or even pets are just waiting for you to all your worries

3:Trust yourself.....so what if they say your Ugly? Remember and keep it in your heart That "GOD MADE US TO APPEAR LIKE HIMSELF" and if they even called you useless just simply answer "Iam useless right now...but At least Iam trying my best to commit something!" You see every bad sentence shoved  at you can be refuted easily.

4: express....every people has their own passion. To remove yourself from depression express your passion and pursue it. Because future doesnt start until you work hard on your first step

5: come out....step out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to go out and be yourself,depression sometimes come because your all alone inside a safe space and make you feel worthless... so instead of pitying over it...why not come out and be the real you!

6: Don't let critism destroy you....imfact turn it as your base. For example. Your bullied because of your low grades. Then use that as your base...study harder....think better but never change who you are. Because no matter how you change physically....your mentality and emotions won't change....

7:don't fake your smiles...Sometimes depression make us all wanna cover it up. Like what I said in no. 1 cry all you want but remember to go back up and fight! Faking things may only make it worse! Say how you truly feel at some point to show them who you are!

8: Don't hide....hidding just means your afraid to show who you are because of critism....show them who you are and what your passion is! Don't be a mouse! Sieze the opportunity to showcase your passions and maybe one day..... you'll be on the the top

9: Stop Negativity....this part is a bit hard. Our heart and brain are divide....One for the positive and one for the negative....let's be honest we all know Negative is the one winning this days...Depression comes from negative things so try to focus on what's positive...be thankful to God your alive, to every little detail say thank you! Gratitude brings out the positivity in all negativity.

10:SUICIDE won't help. Okay this "suicide "thing....I don't like it at all. God gave you the gift of life and you'll foolishly use it because of something so sad? I know I know.... thats abit harsh but...if your feeling useless won't suicide just make it worse? I mean you always thinks you are useless well that's because your too scared! Your to scared to show who you are and what's your worth so you subdue to suicide! I tell you Suicide won't help!Your only attracting more and more people to depression. If I say so SUICIDE is nothing but a foolish escape to reality. Think about it...someone did a suicide and her LOVED ones found out. They'll blame themselves for not being there for you...... another depressed group...see instead of setting everyone happy you just cause more trouble conducting suicide!.....Sometimes-NO SUICIDE ISN'T THE WAY! FEELING USELESS? THEN GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING? SCARED? THEN STAND UP AND BE BRAVE! Life are like clothes.....they change everyday...you will never know what's next design will come out but your hoping it's the best!

Soooo guys I hope you like this and hopefully this can help you depress people out there to finally rise and be brave..... remember to message me when your depress I will help you along the WAY! Every step I'll be there! Not physically but mentally and emotionally!

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