All About Midoriya High..(๑¯ω¯๑)

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Qiuck author note,
Since we are getting sidetrack and Im extremely lazy we'll jump to the highschool category where the drama begin but dont worry ill explaine it all to you and all of they're Achievements!! And not yet edited..

(thats the Lèa Majéstè uniform)
Third person's pov

Its been 10 years since the encounter of the squad and the heroine after that. They doubled and by I mean 'They' its only Kazuto and Shiro cause the girls are too busy.... Ehem anyways three days after that incident they all move-on and enter the Midoriya Elementary Institution we're they all (squad) show off They're talent earning themselves they're own tittle's like for example:

Kushina Miyo-she is the First Princess or just Princess of Midoriya also known as the Empresses's right hand. Because of her Intelligence,athletic injurance and great fashion sense she is moved from a freshman to a school Idol. also earning the top 4 student all around the school.

Kurogami Mikoto Shiro- he is the First Prince or just Prince of Midoriya. He garnered this tittle by his gentle and kind nature and his great athletic skills also his non-average grades plus add the points that he is handsome thus no doubt he would achieve such tittle. He is also known to be fact as the Emperor's right hand. Thus from being a freshman to an envy of the male population. Also he earned the 3rd place all around the school.

Miyabi Himeka Shizuka- she is the Empresss of Midoriya making her the top of the female population in the school but second to Kazuto. She garnered this tittle with her grace, kindness, and good hearted nature add the points that she is also athletic and has the intelligence rivalling the Emperor itself. From being a freshman to the Empress of the school made her boost her confidence but didn't get cocky. Now she is admired by both gender plus add the fact that she is at the top 2.

Mikazuki Kazuto Kirigaya- now known as the Emeperor with his unrivaled talents and skills he quickly garnered the tittle as the Emperor. At first he was annoyed being flocked over but when he heard that Shizuka was the Empress he quickly relaxed. Anyways after that he quickly accept his possition but what he dont know that all of them really think that he is the one and only that belongs to the throne because of his cold and dominiring aura add his looks, skills, and inteligence he quickly shoots to the throne also earning the top spot all around the school.

After being assigned to theyre possitions or tittles the crown as the next Lèa Majèstè was passed to them. Making them stand out. I mean just the uniform is different from the rest!! (look at the above)

Midoriya High is divided into 4 main buildings and 4 sub ones also if you add the gardens and salons it will be 6 subs. The Main's are:

First is the East Wing or called the Eastern Peacocks this building is rulled by Miyo where they all have to practice proper poisture and proper attire whenever if its a ball they are attending or a banquet or a bussiness meeting. Since Miyo is the Princess she is assign to the task and seing that she is an expert to this (since they own many fashion line and shows) its just a piece of cake for her.

Second is the West Wing or called the Western Lion's this building is rulled by Shiro where they all have to practice self-defence. Being the future Heir/Heiress danger is not common for them that's why the Midoriya High establish this building. Its full of equipment. And since Shiro's Family is known to have a Police squad (if you know the reference your awesome!! Here's the clue He's called the "Shadow King") its easy for him to teach them but ofcourse they always use assistance.

Third is the Southen Wing or called the Southern Pheonix this building is rulled by the one and only Empress a.k.a Shizuka. In this building is where they all study etiquette and proper poisture along with proper negotiation. This building is a den to create the ojou-sama's or young lord's. Since Shizuka learned this when she is already young she is able to teach them with the assistance of teacher's too ofcourse.

Lastly but not the least is the Northern Wing ir called the Northern Dragon this place is rulled by Kazuto. This is the place where they study on how to handle they're companies or jobs properly, professionaly ,and perfectly. Since Kazuto already mastered this he easily teached them but keep a tiny distance but still helped. He was given a few teacher to help him.

Those are the mains and the sub's are the Midoriya Dormitories:

First is the ladies dormitory which is said to look like an extravegant 5 star hotel its at the back of the Lèa Majèstë dorm along side of the boys dormitories but the color is violet with the touch of pink and silver.

Second is the males dormitory. Like the girl its also like a stravegant 5 star hotel also at the back of Lèa Majèstë and the right side of the girls. The color is Blue and Red with the touch of black and silver.

Lastly is the Lèa Majèstë Dormitory. Its like a stravegant mansion with big glass Windows and a giant double doors at the entrance. At the front is the private Garden where only students with a pass or faculty along with the Lèa Majèstë students can enter. The color is white wall but had a tint of gold and silver in them on the inside is sparkling white walls with a giant shandelire at the living room with and extravegand double stairs  that leads to the second floor where all the rooms are.

Then there is the cafetirya where they serve dishes like in a 5 star resturant and the price is nothing to laugh at IF you are a commoner that is but to this rich people its a piece of cake (damn rich people!!!).

There are also salons well two actually the private one and the regular one. The private is for the top 15 only while the regular is for all. The difference is that the private comes with many request like massages and spa's also some 7 star dishes while the regular is like A 5 star one with only a massage.

Then there are the gardens one is the Study Garden where no noise is allowed. Its like a library but its on the outside. With many benches and coble tables plus the quiet sound of nature surely nobody can disturb you here. The other one is the Roya Garden its also free for all but the only difference is you can do whatever you like here except DO NOT disturb the Majèstiës when they are having tea, there's a strict policy not to disrespect them. Not only because they are rich but because without them the school will never cease to exist.

And that's all of it. The student of this school are known to be future Ladies and Gentlemens and thats why its the best school for rich people!! (DAMN RICH PEO-/slapped/-)

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