Chapter 93

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I wondered around for hours. I had no idea where I was going. I tried to remember how I got to the cabin, but the only thing in my brain was confusion. It didn’t help that it was pitch black outside. The only light I had to guide me was the sun.

My cheek throbbed from where Matthew hit me and I was exhausted from all of the walking I was doing. I was also worried. I hit Matthew hard enough with the crate so he wouldn’t follow me, but was it too hard? Could I have seriously injured him or even have killed him? I hoped I hadn’t.

I began to think that I was lost forever as the sun peeked over the horizon. The trees around me were tall and seemed to go on forever. The summer air was warm and I was becoming thirsty.

I was instantly relieved when I heard men’s voices coming from a trail a few yards ahead of me. I moved a little closer to hear what was being said, my body hidden by the thick bushes.

“The search is hopeless. It has been almost a week. She is long gone,” one of the men retorted.

Another one sighed. “Possibly, but we still must find the traitor before he attacks again.”

I could hear hooves, so I assumed the men were traveling by horse instead of on foot. Based on their conversation, they must be searching for me. I had to act quickly before they were gone.

I pushed myself through the thick trees, ignoring the scrapes they gave me. Even though I was only steps from the trail, it seemed to take forever until I was on it. I ran out onto the dirt road in front of the group of men. They looked at me with wide eyes and stopped their horses.

One jumped to the ground and ran over to me. “What is your name?” He asked me with burning curiosity in his eyes.

“Princess Sophia Of Spain. I believe I am who you are looking for.” I quipped.

His already wide eyes grew even larger as he turned to look at the other man. “She looks just like the painting.”

He stiffened. “Well, get her on  horse. Do you have any idea how much money we will get as a reward?”

The first man turned back to me. “Your grace, I am Sampson Berdon, a soldier for the English army and this is my partner Elliot Pearson,” he said, gesturing to the man still on his horse.

The rest of the morning was a blur. I got on the horse and we rode back to the palace. I am not sure how long it took, but it was late in the afternoon when I saw the welcoming gates of the palace. As we rode to the entrance, everyone watched me as if I was a mythical creature.

A few minutes later, I was inside court. The marble staircase and hand-painted walls were more inviting than ever before. A maid lead me straight to the throne room. I wasn’t sure what was waiting for me, but I definitely was not expecting what I saw.

As the doors opened, five pairs of eyes were staring at me. The King and Queen sat on their thrones. The King didn’t seem to care, but the Queen’s eyes were filled with delight. Alexander stood next to his mother. He had a look of shock mixed with joy, but he seemed tense.

The two faces I weren’t expecting to see were my father and mother. My mother had her hands over her mouth to conceal whatever emotion she was showing. My father had his arms crossed and looked less than impressed with my arrival.

I didn’t have time to speak with my parents as I was in Alexander’s arms before I had taken three breaths. His arms were strong and I finally felt safe again. As he released me, his face contorted in pain.

 His fingers brushed across the bruise on my left cheek. “What did he do to you?” His voice was sharp and horrified.

I shook my head as I spoke. “It doesn’t matter. I am alright.” I wasn’t sure if I believed myself. Was I alright? No, I wasn’t.

Author's Note- I'm sorry I haven't posted in almost a week. I started school so I am a little busy, but I will try to post as soon as I can.

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