Chapter 26

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I reached the cabin by mid-day. It was in the middle of the forest with no other people for miles. I tied the horse up under a large tree, giving it shade and filled its troth in a nearby stream. I went inside to get out of the heat. I had instructed the man to tell the merchant to put my trunk behind the table. When I searched, it was not there. Maybe he stopped along the way and was close by. I tried to be hopeful, but I knew the truth. He had three horses pulling his wagon. He should have made it here in half the time that I did, not to mention the fact that he was much more familiar with the area than I.

I was worn out from hours of riding and decided to take a nap. I laid on the small bed. It was not on a frame, but simply laying on the floor. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the mattress as it was without pillows as well. When I awoke, it was dark and thunder was booming outside. I rubbed my eyes a few times before stumbling my way outside. I couldn’t see a thing and there was no place to light any candles.

I felt around until I found my horse. I untied him and guided him into the house along with his troth. As I got inside, I realized I was thirsty, but it was too dark outside to find the stream. I was also hungry, but there were no fruit trees in this part of the woods. I felt around for the table and behind it was just air. The trunk wasn’t there and would never be coming.

The merchant probably stole the money and traded my belongings for items of use to him. I should have predicted that. I was just now noticing the gaps in my plans. I had no food, water, or light. When morning came I would have to continue on, hopefully finding a friendly face to lend me a hand. I tripped my way back to the uncomfortable bed and laid down. I closed my eyes, trying not to feel the dry burn in my throat or the empty and hallow pit of my stomach. I did anyway.

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