Chapter 5

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I felt sick after that conversation. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my room trying to get it out of my system. Elizabeth was wrong about Alexander. He was a good person who was going to love me. He had to.

I eventually welcomed my ladies back to my room. They dressed me for the party. It was being held in the grand ballroom. I was astounded at its beauty when I arrived. It had many huge chandeliers and the ceiling was painted with scenes from the bible. There were so many people all around, some dancing while others laughed with friends.

  As I walked into the room, everyone stopped talking. I guess they were all very curious to see what I looked like. Until today, I was a mysterious entity to them, only a figment of their imaginations. I waved for a moment and they all continued on with what they were doing.

I saw Alexander across the room from me. He was talking to a man dressed in a kilt. I assumed he must have been a Scottish envoy. Alexander smiled at me. He said something to the kilted gentleman who then bowed as Alexander walked towards me. My corset suddenly felt very tight. Was I nervous after what Elizabeth told me?

“You look lovely.” He said as soon as he reached me.

“Thank you. You do as well. It is a lovely party.” I observed.

“Are you all right? You seem upset.” He was more receptive than I thought.

I lied, not wanting to talk about his past. “Yes, I just believe I would enjoy the party more if everyone wasn’t staring at me.” I had just noticed they were watching me again.

“They are all just very excited to meet you. So let me introduce you to them.”

“Alright.” I croaked.

I may have met every noble in court in the next hour. Most were very kind, though it was probably just an act. Then there were the few who weren’t kind at all. The Italians and the Greek weren’t happy to see me. Neither were the Polish. I tried my best to be polite, but I didn’t care for them either.

I tried my best not to laugh as the Italian warrior Domenico Fillencia  told me that my marriage with Alexander was a sin against God. I was well aware, as was he, that the Pope was a large supporter of our union because it would keep England Catholic. I had to take all of the hatred for my life with a grain of salt.

I did manage to have fun at the party as well. Alexander and I got to talk a lot. He was even sweeter than earlier in the day. It erased the doubt I had in my head from my talk with Elizabeth. We danced and laughed and talked about our childhoods. It was all perfect until the King came over to us. I tensed up, but Alexander gave me a reassuring look. I was also well aware of the sword he wore under his coat. Would he kill his father to save me? I wasn’t sure, but I assumed he wouldn’t.

“Come. You both shall stand with me as I make my announcement.” The King declared with pride in his voice.

We followed him over to a small stage in the center of the room. I stood as far away from the King as possible, leaning closer to Alexander.

He tapped his wine glass with his fingernail and everyone looked up at us. “As you all know, my son is engaged to Princess Sophia Of Spain.” He gestured towards me. “This alliance will protect both of our countries and strengthen our claim and respect throughout the world. Seeing them together only reassures me of the brilliant match. Just think how beautiful their children will be.” The room erupted with cheers.

I looked at the ground uncomfortably. I felt Alexander’s eyes on me. “I have decided the date of their wedding. They shall be married on May 3rd and you are all invited. It shall be a grand ceremony full of pomp and circumstance. To the happy couple.” The King raised his glass and everyone toasted us, the happy couple.

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