Chapter 22

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Alexander sat in the corner of the room as a doctor examined every inch of me for injuries, ignoring his own. It seemed as though it didn’t bother him at all. I was allowed to return to my room as night fell. Alexander insisted on walking me there.

“I believe we should talk.” He proclaimed as we left the infirmary.

“Okay, but you should really have the doctor clean your cut.” I urged.

“I’ve had worse. I’m fine. Anyways, despite everything that happened today, I still think it best that we stay apart.”

“I can see that you do. Why? How is that best for anyone?” I asked.

“I need a clear head to be a good king one day. I can’t do that if I am making decisions with my heart. I understand that we will be married in a week, but I will find a way to think logically then as well. I need time.”

I didn’t want to argue about this as it seemed he had already made up his mind. “Today, you told Roberto that you would go to war to avenge me.” I mentioned curiously.

“That is exactly the type of thing I shouldn’t say.” He said as we reached my room.

“Because you don’t mean them.” I stated as a fact.

“No, because I do.” He whispered before walking away.

I stood in the hall for a minute in shock because of what he just said. There was not a hint of deception I his voice. He meant it. Eventually I walked back into my room. Hours ago it was a vision of blood and death. Now all the evidence of gore was gone. Roberto’s body was no longer strewn across my floor, the door back on its hinges, the ink was cleaned up, and the closet closed.

My ladies were sitting on the couch, whispering to each other. They didn’t stop when I walked in, but that was fine with me. I had a lot to do before tomorrow morning. I dragged one of my trunks from the back of my closet. I opened it and lined the inside with a piece of cloth. By this time, my ladies had stood up and were standing around me.

“What are you doing?” Eloise asked. She had a smile on her face as if I was making a joke.

I answered as I walked back to the closet. “I’m packing.” I grabbed one of my favorite dresses and came back out to the girls.

“Packing? Where are you going? Your wedding is in a few days.” Lucy giggled. They all thought it was a joke.

I folded the dress and placed it in the bottom of the trunk before heading back to the closet for a second one. I chose a more practical one with long sleeves. I put it on top of the first.

“Sophia? What are you doing? Be honest with us.” Amelia demanded.

I looked them in the eye. “Tomorrow morning, before the sun comes up, I am leaving.” I then continued back to the closet.

I grabbed two more dresses and slung them over my arm. I also chose a thick coat and a pair of warm boots. My ladies were in the same position of shock when I returned. They continued to say nothing as I placed those items in the trunk and went back to the closet several times for more. Only after I shut the full trunk did Lucy speak up.

“You’re going to be caught. Even if you’re not, you won’t survive a day on your own. A woman unknowingly stumbling around the woods. You can’t expect much.” She was looking at me in awe.

Before I had a chance to respond, Eloise stepped in. “Are you mad? This is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. Why are you doing this? Your throwing away everything for your country.”

I sighed and sat down. They all sat too, but looked very uncomfortable. “I’m not mad.” I began. “I have no choice. I can’t be here anymore.”

“Even if you get to Spain, you father will kill you. Your throwing away everything he wants and needs.” Lucy said strikingly.

 “Either I will die here at the hands of an enemy or I will die in my country at the hands of my father.” I stated.

“So that’s why your leaving. Your letting fear rule your life.” Lucy accused and they all looked at me with shame.

“I assure you, I’m not leaving because I fear for my own life. I am leaving because I fear for those I love. Today, when I was attacked here, Alexander could have been killed. You all could have if you were with me. Anyone near me lives in constant danger and always will.” I felt more guilty the more I spoke about it.

Lucy was the only one who had a response. “Wouldn’t you rather die here fighting for your country than giving up?”

I stared at the ground as I spoke. “Unlike Alexander, I rule with my heart. I know this is wrong and I will be considered a traitor to my country, my people. The only way I can live with what I’m doing is knowing that it comes from my heart and that my country will be fine. I trust Alexander and his father to continue to hold the alliance with my country and help them when they need it, though I will be long gone by then.”

“Your sentencing yourself to death.” Eloise piped.

I smiled. “It’s amazing what you do for the people you love.”

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