Chapter 116

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I held my little boy in my arms and I couldn't imagine anything more amazing. His tiny little body fit perfectly in my arms. He seemed content to just lie there in his blankets and look at the world around him.

Every time his eyes met mine, he would stare at me for a minute and then continue on his search for something new. I couldn't explain my love for this little creature, but he was a true angel. There was such an innocence to him that was out of place in this world.

He had a round face and a full head of brown hair. His big, curious eyes were a deep blue just as his fathers were. I got lost in his face so many times. I couldn't believe that this precious little baby had been inside of me less than an hour ago and now he was here. Somehow, I had gone from the brink of death to the peak of life in a matter of minutes.

Most of the midwives who had helped me deliver the baby had gone to rest, but new ones came in to check up on him. They sat quietly in the corner of the room and smiled as I held my son. There wasn't one negative emotion passing through the room.

The door to the room soon opened. I looked up, expecting to see a maid or midwife. Instead, I saw Alexander. He stood in the doorway watching me. I could clearly remember what I said to him before I went into confinement, but I didn't care anymore. The only thing I felt was happiness. I smiled at him and he returned a brilliant one of his own.

I propped myself up on the pillows as he walked closer to us. As he reached my bedside, he put his hand on my cheek. "I am so glad you are alright." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He responded.

Then his eyes drifted to our son. He laughed. "I was right. He looks just like you. Same face, same curious expression."

I jokingly shook my head. "Well, he has your eyes."

Then we both grew silent. It wasn't uncomfortable, but peaceful. We were so infatuated by our little boy that we had nothing to say. We watched as he opened and closed his eyes and moved his little arms around. I couldn't get over how tiny he was.

After a few minutes, my gaze drifted back to Alexander. In all of the time I had known him, I had never seen his expression so serene. There was an unmistakable peace about him that was comforting. Everything really would be okay.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked.


I gently moved towards Alexander and placed our baby in his waiting arms. The baby immediately squirmed a little bit to snuggle into Alexander's chest. It was as if they were already best friends. Alexander carefully sat down in the chair right beside the bed.

I couldn't think of a more beautiful picture- my husband and son. It was as if every single thing that had happened no longer mattered. Every struggle was suddenly worth it. Every loss now had a meaning. This was the moment my life had been building up to. This was the pinnacle of existence. As ridiculous as it sounded, I knew it was true. It was a moment I would cherish forever.

Alexander looked over to me. "How are you feeling?" He seemed concerned.

"I am feeling much better." I reassured.

He sighed. "I am so sorry for everything I have done- Matthew, lying to you, all of it."

I was suddenly very aware of the other people in the room. Afraid they may hear too much, I gestured for them to leave.

As soon as they were out of the door, Alexander continued. "It has taken me the thought of losing you and this moment to realize one very basic thing- family is everything. I would give up every single gift I have been blessed with for our son and you. At the end of the day, it is all we have. I shouldn't have done what I did."

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