Chapter 70

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Things got back to normal about 13 days after Lucy was killed. I began getting up and dressing. I joined the public world again. My friends and I healed together. People stopped staring at me as if I was going to fall to pieces any moment. Alexander and I got back to how things were before the tragedy. To everyone around me it seemed as though I was better. They were wrong. I would never be the same again. When Lucy was lost, I lost a piece of myself. I lost something I had had since I was a little girl. My innocence was slowly being charred away. I was less shaken by small events and had to focus on the larger ones.

Normalcy was lost one morning after breakfast. I was lounging on my sofa reading a book when a knock startled me.

“Yes?” I called, still frightened from its loud and surprising tempo.

A page slipped their head through a crack. “Her majesty the Queen would like to visit with you.”

I immediately sat up. “Of course.”

I smoothed my dress as I stood and took a deep breath. The page pushed the door all the way open and the Queen lolled into the room, looking around as she walked. The door shut behind her. I curtsied as she approached.

“Oh please, my dear. You are my son’s wife. You mustn’t treat me as the Queen, but rather as your mother.” She smiled warmly.

I nodded, too afraid about her reason for the impromptu visit to manage words. She sat on the couch I had just been laying on and patted the seat next to her. I took calculated steps up to her and gently slid myself to her right.

“You must be wondering why I am here.”

“Yes, the thought has crossed my mind, you majesty.” I replied.

“Well the news I bear could be taken well or unwell. I thought it best that I deliver the news myself.” I crinkled my forehead as she continued. “I have arranged for you to receive a new lady in waiting. You only have two and it is improper to have less than three. I know it will be hard, but she is not meant to replace Lucy or Charlotte.”

“I see.” I watched my tone carefully. I was far from thrilled, but I had no choice other than to go along with it.

“You will love her. She has stayed here before and we are close with her family. She is very high in English society.”

“Who is she? I’m sure she will be lovely.” I lied through my teeth.

The Queen didn’t seem to notice as she squealed with joy. “Fantastic. Her name is Jane Margas. Her family does not have a title, but they have a large amount of money. I think…”

My head was spinning so fast that I didn’t hear the rest of the Queen’s statement. The girl who threatened me and has been pursuing my husband is going to not only come back to court, but be my lady in waiting. No, this couldn’t happen. Everything whirled faster as I realized that there was nothing I could do.

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