Chapter 76

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I fought myself to not look back at Sophia being dragged away by the guard. I knew seeing it would make me free her and ruin everything. I also knew that what I was doing would make her hate me for a long time, but I had to accept that too. It was what was necessary to save her family.

If she sent herself there, they would kill her and her family. Then Spain would be in Portugal’s hands. Her being here is the only thing keeping her country safe and she doesn’t seem to understand that. I was filtering these thoughts through my mind as my father, his advisors and I crafted ideas.

In the middle of our planning, my father stopped and turned to me. “I’m proud of you, Alexander.”

I almost couldn’t believe what he said. Those were words I never expected him to say. “Why?”

He patted me on the back. “You are going to be a good King and I see that now. What you just did to Sophia was exactly what a good King would do. You took control of the situation and put her in her place. If you can do it with that difficult of a girl, than you will be an expert when it comes to unreasonable countries.”

I didn’t breathe for a long time after he said that. His pride was disgusting to me. I made a decision that my father would have made. I was being that horrible husband that I promised never to be. I had to remind myself why I was doing it many times before I could focus again.


I had a lot of time to think while I was locked in the solitude of my room. It was already the evening and I had guards outside my door, listening to my every movement. Beyond that, my balcony doors had been bolted shut so I couldn’t escape there either.

I only had my family on my mind. They could be dead right now. My mother, Francisco, Elena, Emanuel, Maria, Fernando, Catalina… they could be gone and I couldn’t save them. My father may be gone. He was not someone I would particularly hate losing, but my country needed him. Also, he held the future of the English throne as well.

He has received my letter by now. I am not surprised that he has not responded. He has always taken a long time to make important decisions. But what if he didn’t burn the letter and the Portuguese found it. They could use it against me and destroy my alliance with England.

They would no longer help defend my country and… I had to be calm and not panic. My father was an intelligent man who could handle the situation he faced. As horrible of a husband as he was, I do truly believe he loved my mother and my siblings. He would protect them.

I was surprised when my door opened later in the night. Alexander’s blank face drifted in. He stayed silent as he came over to my perch on my bed. I assume the no visitor rule did not apply to him.

He sat by my feet. “I know you are angry, but I want to keep you informed on the situation.” He seemed to be waiting for a response, but I gave him none. “We are sending every available company of men to Spain to save your family. Our hopes are to clear the invaders, but at the very least they will help your family escape.”

Seeing his face made me sick. I was even more angry than I knew possible, but I somehow responded calmly. “Am I supposed to thank you? Am I supposed to apologize for my behavior earlier? Am I supposed to be grateful that you chose to keep me here against my will?”

“No. I understand how you feel, but I did it for…”

I interrupted as quickly as I could. “Don’t you dare say you did this for me. I can’t stand to hear such lies.” I stood from the bed and walked across the room.

Alexander followed me. “I did do it for you. You couldn’t save your family. Going would have only put your country in greater danger. I know you feel upset, but it will pass.”

I took several breaths before I looked him straight in the eye. “You have no right to say you understand how this feels. You may have been stifled when you wanted to help, but I doubt you have ever been betrayed so deeply.”

Alexander looked confused. “Betrayed? This is not a betrayal. We are helping your family just as allies should.”

I laughed, not out of humor, but shock at his lack of understanding. “I am not speaking of our countries. I am speaking of us. My entire life has been filled with people treating me as property. Every male in my life looked down on me as a ridiculous girl. I was handed to you, to your country, as nothing but the property I was told I was.

" Then, suddenly everything became better because you didn’t feel that way. The moment we met, you bowed to me out of respect. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.” I walked away from him as I continued. “You loved me and cared for me. I trusted you with all my heart, more than I have ever trusted anyone else before.

" Today, you became the man I feared. You are now a ruthless ruler, one who tramples everyone in their way to get what they want… and I am just the useless person along to stand by your side and look pretty as my opinions are ignored. You are no longer the person I married. You are a stranger to me and I am betrayed.”

 My own anger melted and pain filled me. I sunk to the ground and my dress billowed around me. Tears began streaming from my eyes and sobs followed. This lasted for a while, I’m not sure how long. When I looked up, my heart twisted even more. Alexander was long gone. He left me crying and broken as if he didn’t care… as if he didn’t love me.

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