Chapter 77

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My restraint was limited the next morning. I was allowed to wonder about inside the palace as long as I was accompanied by a guard at all times. I chose to stay in my room. I was afraid of seeing Alexander anywhere.

I was slightly afraid he would visit me, but he didn’t. Amelia and Eloise visited me after lunch, but had to leave shortly after as they both had plans with suitors.

One visitor I was not expecting was Jane. She entered my room with a serious look on her face just as Amelia and Eloise exited. I said nothing and neither did she. She just walked towards the couch and sat next to me.

Eventually the silence was beginning to irritate me, so I ended it. “What is the meaning of your presence? Are you here to relish in the pain I am experiencing?”

She studied my face carefully. “He must have truly broken your heart.”

I sighed. “You could say that. But it is a good day for you. Our marriage is broken. This is the perfect time for you to go be there for him.” The idea didn’t bother me in the slightest. That scared me.

Her face was contorted as she contemplated my words. “You wouldn’t protest to me taking your husband from you?”

She seemed to be having trouble putting the idea together, so I decided to help her. I shifted my body to stare her directly in the eye. “I only feel bad for you, as his sweet words and promises will charm you. They will sweep you off your feet as will his smile, but it is all lies. If an emergency arises, you will only be in the way.” I was becoming more frustrated as I spoke.

Remembering his kindness made my heart ache as I used to believe he would do anything for me. I stood and continued. “Take Alexander. Get our marriage annulled so I can move on, though I don’t know where to. End my pain by making him forget me, as it seems he already has. It should be easy to destroy our connection… as there is nothing left to destroy. We are two separate people only bound by a contract.”

Jane’s face was a pale white, her mouth ajar with surprise. Her forehead has creases in between her eyebrows and her eyes were suddenly foggy. She sat still for a little while. I watched as her color slowly returned and her mind seemed to clear slightly.

She quietly stood and smoothed her skirt. After giving me a horrified last glance, she walked out of the room, practically tripping a few times. She was probably off to seduce my husband. I was fine with it. I tried to take a nap on my bed to pass the time, but something was bothering me.

I couldn’t figure it out, but I felt as if I was missing something. It was not a longing for the missing thing, but the feeling that it should be here and wasn’t. At first I believed it was a trinket that may have been taken, but everything was in order. I then explored the possibility that I did indeed miss Alexander, but I couldn’t bring myself to send for him. I went through random thoughts, plans, and schedules in my head until I suddenly understood what was not here and what now was. My breathing hitched as I realized that everything just became so much more complicated.

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