Chapter 6

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I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night. How could I? After I got over the shock of what had just happened, paranoia set in. Every whistle of the wind had me ready to run for the doors. The sun eventually rose in the sky. I got up and called for my servants. I was bathed and my ladies dressed me before we talked about last night’s events.

“It was clear that he didn’t do anything, right?” Eloise asked sternly.

“I think so. The blankets were still over me.” I answered unsurely.

“This is bad. They can’t question your virtue. If they do, this alliance will be over. You need to be a virgin to marry Alexander.” Amelia prattled.

“I know. I have been told that many times. I was practically locked away from all men in Spain to protect my virtue.” I sighed.

“Well, at least I have good news to take your minds off of this.” Charlotte interjected.

“What?” Lucy remarked with deep interest.

“Well, at Alexander and Sophia’s party last night, I met a man. He is Duke John Of Pettreton. He is from Hungary. We spent the entire night talking. He asked to go on a walk with me this afternoon along the lake.” She smiled as she spoke. Everyone erupted with excitement except me. I was too distracted to listen. As the other girls fired questions at her, I snuck out of my room. I don’t know where I intended to go, but I ended up outside in the courtyard. There were many beautiful flowers and butterflies moving about. It was nice to be at peace for a few minutes. That time ended when I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned and saw Alexander. He sat next to me on the bench.

“I have been looking for you everywhere.” He said, not looking at me.

“Well it’s a large palace. It’s not easy to find people.” I felt uncomfortable after what happened last night.

He finally looked me in the eye. “The servant who attacked you was executed moments after he was pulled from your chambers.”

I felt weak and sick. “No, he didn’t deserve that.”

“I tried to stop it, but my father insisted and there was nothing I could do.” He spoke with kindness, but it then turned darker. “How did this happen?”

“I don’t know what you mean. I know as little as everyone else.”

“You were seen speaking with him last night at the party.”

Suddenly I understood. “You think I invited him back to my room. Why would I do that?”

“I have no idea, but I can’t think of any other reason of why he would be there. He has been a loyal servant of the castle’s for 15 years and suddenly you come along and he does this.” He yelled his words at me.

I yelled back at him. “Believe me, I did not invite him to do anything but leave me alone. And I am not so excited to jump into bed with a man that I can’t wait a month for our wedding. I am dreading that day for more than one reason.”

His eyes turned to fury. “You have a lot of nerve to say what you just did. If you are going to be the queen of England, then you will learn to never raise your voice to your male superior. That is a mistake you would pay dearly for.”

I was so angry I wanted to hit him in the face. I was proud of myself when I was able to control my temper and say one final remark. “Well, then you better kill me now because I will not let you treat me like a child and I won’t let my gender silence my thoughts.” I glared at him for a short second before I stood up and walked away. I almost tripped on the bottom of my gown multiple times as I walked with steaming anger through the halls. This was not going to be my life. It couldn’t.


Why did I say that? I didn’t mean it. I was just angry at her and I took it too far. The heat she answered me with was annoying, but also really passionate. It almost made me care for her more. Now I had to fix the mistakes I made.

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