Chapter 69

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It took a long time be able to get out of bed. I was vaguely aware of the people who talked to me and even less aware of what they said or what I said back.

My head was filled with her screams. I still remember what happened after her life was gone. I remember perfectly. Her severed head fell to the ground and lost all sense of dignity. I was so angry I couldn’t stand it. I was truly angry at myself for letting this happen, but the King was easier to confront.

He smirked at Lucy’s lifeless body and it sent me over the edge. “Who are you? You are not a king! You are a scared little man who is afraid that a woman will weaken your pathetic grip of respect! You will not get away with this! When the world hears of your violence against a pregnant woman, they will revolt! You are done! I will make sure of it.”

The King’s smile turned to anger and his face twisted with emotion. He only thought for a second before responding to me. “Who would tell the world? I’m sure everyone here is aware of the consequences of betraying their king. They would be next to face the axe.” His eyes stared into mine before I broke the gaze.

I was becoming hysteric. Alexander reached out to hold me, but I pushed past him. I needed to be alone.

That was 11 days ago. I had yet to follow through on my promise to Lucy. I had to do it. For the first time in the past 11 days, I stood up. I walked with purpose to my desk. I wet the quill with ink and began scribbling my thoughts on a piece of paper. After several hours of rewriting, I came out with this.

Dear King Ferdinand- my dearest father,

          I need your help. I know you may stop reading this letter upon those words, but this plan will benefit you and our country as well. King Louis has committed a crime. He initiated an affair with Lady Lucy.

After his many requests for her presence, she became pregnant. Ashamed, King Louis had her killed. He would rather kill an innocent woman -who also happens to be pregnant- than to face his own consequences. We were all sworn to secrecy, but I must speak freely for it is the right thing to do.

Use this news to have the King removed from the thrown. I am well respected in both Spain and England. My word should be respected as well. When people hear of this outrageous event, they will revolt against the monstrous King of England. If he is taken out of power, Alexander and I will sit on the thrown.

I swear to you that I will make sure Spain is safe if you help me today. It will be in your favor. I know there are risks for you if this attempt fails, but think of the rewards if we win. I am also aware of the danger I am putting myself in. When it is discovered I notified you of this, I could lose my life. There is a small chance that they will pity me. This is a risk I am willing to take for England, Spain, its people, and my loved ones. I ask you for this. I do solemnly hope you understand the magnitude of this situation.

                                                                                                                                                      With Love,

                                                                                                      Princess Sophia- Your loyal daughter

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