Chapter 81

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By the next morning, it seemed the entire palace was aware of my pregnancy. I was greeted with several congratulations as I walked through the halls after church. After lunch, I had my first check in with the castle midwife. She confirmed my pregnancy and gave me advice on how to stay healthy. As I got back to my room, Eloise was waiting for me.

“Hello Sophia. You look glowing today. Pregnancy suits you.” She mused.

I sighed. “I think it is happiness more than pregnancy.”

“Yes, well I am here to deliver two pieces of news. First, a party is being thrown for you and Alexander tomorrow night to celebrate the creation of the possible next heir to the throne.” Eloise was practically bouncing with excitement.

“Unless it is a girl and the entire world will be full of disappointment.” I whispered to myself.

She didn’t seem to hear me and continued with her speech. “The second piece of news is that your presence is requested in the throne room right away. News about your family awaits you. There is…”

I didn’t let her finish. I was already running back out the door and down the hall. I lifted up my dress so I wouldn’t trip down the stairs as I took them two at a time. I got strange glances from nobles as I passed, but I didn’t care.

I burst through the heavy wooden doors of the throne room and the eyes of everyone in it fell upon me. The King sat in his large granite and gold chair with a hand on his forehead. Alexander sat on the steps below him, a look of distress on his face. Advisors were spread out in small groups around them, talking in hushed tones. I stood still, waiting for someone to inform me what was going on. After a few seconds, Alexander stood and walked over to me.

“How did we get news so early?” I asked as he reached me.

He held my hand in his. “Well, things didn’t go exactly as planned. As you know, thirty companies of men were set to arrive at Spanish court last night. They took two different paths to surround the rebels. The first group went directly towards court and the Portuguese were expecting it. We lost 3 of those fifteen companies. The others turned back because they knew there was nothing they could do.”

I gasped. I felt so bad for the men that died. They died trying to protect my country, something they probably didn’t care about, but fought anyways. That broke my heart. My existence had caused their death. If I had gone to Spain, they could have lived.

Alexander went on. “Thankfully, the second group marched through a forest and came around the back of court, a move the Portuguese weren’t suspecting. The fight was relatively simple at that point. Your family is safe again.”

There was something about his voice that made me not fully believe him. “What aren’t you telling me?”

His face tensed. “I thought I was doing so well. It is nothing major, but most of the fighters escaped.”

“So? I am happy they weren’t all killed. I dislike them, but not so much that I would want them to die.” I stammered.

Alexander shook his head. “No, Sophia that is a bad thing. They are not only upset about the defeat, but they hold personal vendettas because they were there. Who knows what they will do? I don’t think it would surprise anyone if they attacked England next.”

I felt enormous guilt topple onto me. It was debilitating. My own countries needs were destroying another. I was letting my country use England as if it was a never ending supply of armies and help, but in reality it was capable of being vulnerable too.

England was the most powerful country in the world and I knew it would win a war against Portugal, but at what cost? Would they lose thousands of brave warriors? Would the country fall to shambles? There was one question I knew the answer to. Would they risk it all to protect Spain? Yes. This country had its critics. Many believed it was trying to take over the world, but I knew that was false. Others thought that it was selfish, but my time here proved otherwise.

England was a country who used its power to help those who it knew would return the favor. Spain would, but I was upset that it would allow another country to fight its battles. I wasn’t upset at the country, only my father. He was a weak coward who still hadn’t made up his mind about the letter I sent him weeks ago.

Author's Note- I hope ya'll enjoy the new cover. I am on vacation in the Dominican Republic and it is beautiful! It is a good place to write (especially on the beach) so hopefully I will be updating soon.

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