Chapter 32

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I heard men’s voices outside. Were the soldiers back? I doubted it. It was probably merchants or men on a hunting trip looking for a place to stay. I used every ounce of my strength to pull my weak body from the bed. There was no place to hide. I wasn’t sure why I was afraid of dying. That was my fate in a mere few hours, but I felt the need to anyway.

I didn’t know where to go. There was only one room here and no secretive corners. I was going to be seen either way. Using the light of the moon, I crawled near the window. I hunched under it and curled into a ball. I heard footsteps growing closer. Fear was the only thing I could feel anymore. My body had blocked out all other emotions.

The door opened with a loud squeak. I saw light from a lantern illuminate the room. My body was shaking and tears escaped my eyes. Everything was falling apart in that moment. I had lost everything. A bout of hysteria shook my body. The footsteps were getting closer to me. I felt a hand touch my back. I whimpered in fear.

“Sophia, it’s okay.” The voice cooed to me. Alexander.

I turned my head to see his face. It was just as perfect as I remembered, almost unbearable. His features were twisted with worry, but his perfect blue eyes were happy. Our eyes met and he smiled at me. I couldn’t smile. My body wasn’t able to. Alexander crouched down next to me and pulled me into a hug, so warm and inviting.

“Thank God I found you.” He mumbled into my hair. I was more relieved that it was him than I could describe, but I seeing him reminded me of why I left in the first place. I feebly pushed on his shoulders and he released me.

“You need to leave.” I sobbed.

“No, I won’t leave you.” He said calmly.

“Listen to me.” I choked. “ I won’t go back to the palace. I can’t. I will not put you in danger. I could never live with myself if something happened to you.”

“I know. I got your letter. You need a doctor. You need food and water.”

I groaned. “No, I need you to leave. Let me go in peace as I ask.”

He shook his head. “I won’t let you go. Either you can come back to court with me or I will bring a doctor to you.” I looked at the dusty floor. “You’re so strong to do this, but you should have talked to me about your fears. I can protect myself. The only thing hurting me right now is you. Sophia, you are the only thing capable of causing me pain.”

“Why are you saying these things? Why would you risk so much just to keep me as your wife? You are risking the safety of your country.” I looked back to him as I spoke. “Why am I worth it?”

“You really don’t know, do you?” Alexander stroked my hair as he continued. “I love you. It’s as simple as that. I would do anything for you. If that includes risking my life, I’ll do it because I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

“Then why did Jane complicate things so much?” I stuttered in shock.

“I was scared. I was scared of how much I love you and I thought she could help distract me, but it only made it so much more clear. I’m only happy if I’m with you.” He spoke the words fluently, not a trace of deception leaking through.

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